Itachi and His Sweets~

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"That's it." I rest my hands on the flare of my hips and lean forward slightly, eyes narrowed at the silent weasel before me. Itachi watches me curiously, a slender inky brow lifted, lips softened into a dull line. "Come with me." I huff, holding out my hand to help him up off the couch.

Everyone watches me warily, slightly startled at my sudden outburst. My weasel lightly slides his hand into mine, causing me to suppress a delicious shiver at the feeling of his soft, yet roughly calloused hand in mine, and I pull him to his feet. I don't get go of his hand and proceed to drag him towards the foyer. Alice quirks a brow. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to make my weasel smile." I announce happily.

Her lips twitch up into a small smile. Hidan and Deidara bark out a laugh, either disbelieving in my claim or taking it perversely. I assume the latter and glance back over my shoulder, smirking deviously. "Take that however you want."

Kisame chuckles. Sasori shakes his head.

Itachi is simply quiet, dark eyes watching my every move warily. I grab my key lanyard and tug him out to my car. I usher him into the passenger seat and then climb into my own seat and turn the engine on. After buckling, make sure he's buckled, and backing out, I cast him a long side glance. His dark eyes simply flicker around the windows, watching the world pass, and then glance towards me. When he finds me looking at him, he simply quirks a brow.

"What? You're a sexy weasel." I huff.

His lips curl into a sexy smirk. I grin and move to get onto the highway. I have a wonderful place in mind. Itachi may not be familiar of the sugary delicacies in our world, so I intend to let him indulge in them and find some new favorites. Then, maybe later, when we go grocery shopping and he can pick out stuff to make dango.

The closest sweets shop is in the next town. It's locally owned by my late father's best friend, Uncle John, an old withering man with enough sweetness to generate power for Manhattan. It's right off one of the main, old timely streets, which means I have to attempt to parallel park without causing any damage to the surrounding people and cars.  

You're lucky I love you, Itachi.

Sighing, I attempt to back up into a spot and then straighten it out and everything. Itachi is completely silent, watching as I complete the maneuver and exhale the breath I'd been holding.  I look over and smile cheekily. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

He looks faintly amused. "No. Where are we?"

"Someplace I think you'll like very much." I grin and carefully climb out, wary of the traffic zooming by at my left.

I circle around the car and watch as Itachi climbs out. He lightly shuts the door behind himself and I lock the car, looping my arm through his so he doesn't get lost. The corners of his lips twitch up into a smirk. The candy store I'm taking him to is a small little old fashioned shop, with pale pink walls and the smell of peppermint and cinnamon wafting through the air. I open the door, smiling widely as the familiar little bell announces our arrival, and lead Itachi in, watching his facial reaction carefully.

But, as expected, he gives away very little reaction.

"Why, if it isn't little miss Valentine." Uncle John chimes from behind the counter. His old, crafty brown eyes flicker over Itachi, a sly little smile tugging his lips back. "And a friend."

"Uncle John, this is Itachi. Itachi, this is an old friend of my dad's." I introduce happily, gesturing back and forth between the two. Itachi dips his head in a small, almost respectful nod and Uncle John chuckles. I turn Itachi around, away from the counter, and pull him towards the Candy Wall. "And this is candy. Try a piece."

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