Chapter Eighteen

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***Morgan's POV***

California! I was so stoked to be in LA for the next week. Mostly because I got to do whatever I wanted and had no one to tell me I couldn't.

We had gotten to our hotel, and I instantly went to see Thomas Rhett.

"Man, I'm gonna head to that bar down the road. Do you want to come?" I ask. He looked to Lauren.

"Okay with you, babe?" He asks her. She was quiet for a second.

"Uh, actually...can I go?" She asks. TR and I were both shocked by that question.

"Uh...yeah. Yeah, let's go" I say. She grabs her bag and follows me out the hotel. We walked to the bar. We were hounded by paparazzi as soon as we walked out the building, but I kind of liked talking to them. Lauren didn't.

When we finally got to the bar, we went to the back section. I ordered whiskey and she got wine.

"What on earth made you want to come with me?" I ask. She shrugs.

"I don't know. I guess I just...wanted to look out for you" She says. I shake my head.

"Lauren, you don't need to do that" I say. Being the mother she was, she tried to be a mom to everyone.

"You may not think so, but I do, and that's what I'm doing" She says. I sigh.

"Fine. Fine, but you don't get to tell me what I can and can't do. I'm a grown man" I say. She shakes her head.

"Whatever" She says and gets up and walks to be bar. She came back with a tray of twelve shots. "Here. Let's go".

"W-What?" I ask.

"Shots. Go" She says. I didn't question her. I just listened. We both downed six shots each.

"What'd you do that for?" I ask.

"Well, if I have to deal with you tonight...I might as well be drunk too" She says. I laughed. She went and got more shots.

***Lauren's POV***

I know what you're thinking, and you'd be wrong. I wasn't getting drunk. The shots I took were water and the ones Morgan took were alcohol. I wanted him to think I wasnt trying to keep an eye on him, so I pretended to have a buzz too. Truth is, I was worried sick about him. Callan too. I hadn't heard anything about Callan from Hannah, but that didn't mean nothing was going on. They were both doing bad unless they had each other, and right now that was kind of hard. We were barely into the tours and not even into the month of February yet, so I could only imagine how the next couple months would go unless something was done for them to stop drinking and just being asses in general. I was going to do whatever it took to get Morgan back to the guy I knew and loved.

By 12am, I had lost Morgan. The bar was almost empty except a few people. I looked around everywhere until I finally found him outside the bar with someone I didn't know.

"Morgan. Come on, we gotta go" I say taking his hand and trying to pull him away.

"Hey, we just started hanging out" A girl with a bob haircut and a short, cheetah print dress says pulling him the other way.

"I don't care. We're leaving" I say.

"Lauren, come on" He says. Yep, he was drunker than a monkey.

"Morgan, now!" I say.

"Look bitch, get away" The girl says gently pushing me backwards. I took a deep breath.

"You look, bitch! I don't know who you are and I don't care, but I do know that he doesn't need to be anywhere near you and you need to get lost" I say.

"He's coming with me" She says.

"Morgan!" I say. He ignored me.

"I'll be back by morning, Lauren" He says wrapping his arm around the girl.

"Morgan, you're married!" I scream at him. He looks at me then to his hand. He walked towards me. "Thank god. Let's go". He stopped and put my hand flat and put something in it. I looked down to see his wedding ring in the palm of my hand. I looked back up at him.

"Not tonight I'm not". I watched him dissapear into the night with the mystery woman. Tears filled my eyes and my chest became heavy. The only thing I could think was 'oh shit'.

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