Chapter Twenty Five

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A month had passed since we had gotten back to Nashville. It was now March 20th. Maddie was 22 weeks pregnant and today was when she decided to announce her pregnancy. She had managed to keep her baby a secret for a while, but since she already knew the babies gender and was almost in her third trimester, she and Jonah both decided to go on and announce. Plus, the girls were in New York today to be on GMA. Morgan and I were actually going to be on The Today Show next week talking about our recent struggles, but today, we were excited to watch the girls. Kolter Grey stayed back in Nashville with Morgan and I. He loved seeing his mama on TV, and seeing her on the stage.

"Bud, you ready to see Mommy?" I ask. He smikes and climbs up on the couch with me. He and Kaiston Grace sat on the couch in between Morgan and I, and Kensi was on my lap. She hadn't left my side since I got home.

"Yeah!" He cheered as Robin Robert's came up on the TV.

"Today, we have five of the beautiful women who recently had to out their tour on hold, but we see why now. Everyone welcome Runaway June and Maddie & Tae!" She says. The people in the building clapped as all the girls came out. They got settled and the attention was given to Maddie. "Maddie, it looks like you've got something exciting going on".

"Oh, I do. I do. My husband, Jonah, and I are expecting our first child. A baby boy" She says. I smiled seeing how happy she was.

"That is amazing. Congratulations. That does kind of put a damper on the tour" Robin says. "How did you all make the decision to put it on hold?".

"Uh, well...that decision was not made due to my pregnancy" She says.


"We...all were kind of made to hold the tour due to some issues with...drinking that our main writer had" Naomi answers.


"Yeah. She and her Husband both struggled a lot" Naomi answers again.

"Well, that is news to the world isn't it?" Robin asks. You're dang right it was! We hadn't publicly come out and said why we stopped the tour yet. Morgan and I were doing that on The Today Show next week. The girls knew that.

"Well, while it is no secret that Callan and Morgan lost their son, it is not public as to what happened afterwards and that is their business, not ours, so none of us are going to speak on that" Hannah intervenes.

"I agree. That's not what we're here to talk about today" Jennifer adds.

"They're right, and I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry." Naomi says.

"Well, that's understandable. But, is Callan dealing with your news of a new son?". I thought these questions were ridiculous. It was supposed to be about the tour and their careers. Not me..

"Um...Callan and I...we're fine. She's fine and she's happy. She is supportive and the best friend to us and the best mother to her children, and step mother to Hannahs son" Maddie says. I did love that answer.

"Well, we're glad that she is okay and you guys are doing great. Can we expect the tour to start again and go through?".

"Yes, you can. Once some things get cleared up, we're going back out on the road" Tae answers.

"Well, I'm so glad to hear that" Robin says. "Unfortunately, that's all the time we have today. It was lovely seeing you girls. Make sure you catch them on the road soon".

I turned off the TV and looked over at Morgan. He looked just as stunned as I did.

"Baby, correct me if I'm wrong, but...that was supposed to be an interview about their music, right?" He asks. I nod.

"It was" I say.

"They kind of called you an alcoholic" He says.

"Well, they know I'm not, but whatever" I say.

"We get to tell our story in a few days" He says. "The world will know the truth".

"Yeah, I know" I say.  I still just felt weird about the whole thing.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"You're going to hate me" I say.


"I don't want to do the interview anymore".

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