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... this'll be interesting. ❜

BLODWYN doesn't really know what she expected, coming into this trial, but she thinks it could be worse. Like, for the most part, the boys look okay, and at a first glance, there's nothing outwardly creepy or off-putting about them, so in her books, that's a win. Unfortunately, this opinion doesn't seem to be the general consensus, if the reactions of the other girls are anything to go by.

       Saying Sohee looks furious is an understatement, and Juyeon and Sol must think the same thing, given how they both attach a hand to each of the girl's wrists to make sure she doesn't do something stupid like jump at the boys. Sol looks bothered, but Blodwyn's come to learn that's her default face, and that if she was furious she probably wouldn't show it anyway. Juyeon just looks mildly panicked, her eyes blown wide and her lip between her teeth. Minkyung and Yeji both have expressions of disgust, but their attention is focused on two of the more prettier boys in the room, who each seem to be wearing cocky smirks of their own. One of them winks. Yeji scoffs and glares back with an intensity that Blodwyn's never seen on her face before.

       Ahreum seems to have a flicker of hope in he eye that maybe this trial won't be as bad as it seems, but Blodwyn thinks that might just be the optimism talking, because the two of them are the "newest" to the Gangnam Private School circle. But Blodwyn thinks that Ahreum should know better than any of them how horrible the boys can be, seeing that she's the one who lives with the spawn of Satan (words she's heard Ahreum use to describe her brother on multiple occasions). Eunyeon, on the other hand, doesn't appear to be too phased about the entire situation, but there's a glint in her eye that can't mean anything good. And Seonhwa, for all her attempts at enthusiasm towards this trial, honestly looks like she wants to run and hide, half trying to shield herself behind Eunyeon.

       Then there's the boys from the Gangnam Institute. Honestly, Blodwyn doesn't know who any of them are, because she's not really involved in all the rich family antics in the Gangnam community (after all, she didn't grow up in Seoul attending all their fancy dinner parties through her childhood, and honestly, she thinks that might have worked out in her favour). But still, Blodwyn decides that she doesn't like them.

       For a start, all eight of them remind her of the type of boys she's learnt to steer clear of. There's an air of arrogance to them, which no doubt comes from the knowledge that this is their turf, and it's the girls who are out of place. Their uniforms are rumpled despite it still being morning, and it's clear none of them bothered with ironing their shirts, a stark difference to the crisp appearance of Blodwyn and the rest of her classmates.

The only boy Blodwyn recognises is the clumsy freckled boy from the supermarket, and she's actually somewhat pleased to see a familiar face that isn't associated with hatred or annoyance. She doesn't know anything about the boy, but he has freckles (like her!), and she's fascinated by his bleached hair (something that her parents would never allow, even when they live in an entire different country from Blodwyn). There's nothing outwardly asshole-ish about the boy, but Blodwyn reminds herself to be cautious, because he attends the Gangnam Institute, and surely the whole rivalry between their schools isn't entirely baseless right?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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