Incorrect Quotes Time :D

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~Shit is going down somewhere~

Night: Why are you two here?

Kelpie: I'm here to help!

Teeboo: I'm here to make things worse.


(Forgive me Night, but I must do this)

Reporter: Are you a boy or a girl?

Night: I'm non-binary.

Reporter: But what were you born as?

Night: A problem.


Night: You need them to think you're stronger that you actually are.

Foxy: That's what you do?

Night: Oh, no. My power is no illusion. I can demolish you.


*The Atopia squad in a dark-ass place*

Alphonse: It's so dark here.

Kelpie: Wait, I got this.

Kelpie: *stamps on the ground*

Kelpie's shoes: *lights up*


Ramen Noodles: Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?

Foxy: I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer.


 Kelpie: Okay, Night. You're driving down the road and suddenly, you see Alphonse and Ramen Noodles in front of you. What do you hit?

Night: Ramen Noodles, I would never hurt my Alphonse-chan.

Kelpie: Night. The brakes. You hit the damn brakes.


Night: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, might as well fail spectacularly."


Kelpie: They'll pluck out our eyelids.

Foxy: Wait, could you still fall asleep?

Kelpie: How are those your first words??


Foxy: Last time you said "everything is in order", I ended up fighting a bear.

Night: How much longer are you going to reference that? I cannot be held accountable for acts of God.


Kelpie: I want you to smile!

Teeboo: I am in pain.


Alphonse: Oh, fiddlesticks! That really ruffles my feathers!

Teeboo: Please, just say fuck.


(Night, Foxy, and  Kelpie are tied up)

Foxy: This was a terrible idea! Why didn't anyone stop me!?

Kelpie: Because you didn't tell us! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US!?!?!

Foxy: Because you would've stopped me!


Kelpie: Did you eat all of my Milk Duds?

Foxy: *silently chews for 7 minutes, then swallows* First of all, I don't appreciate the accusation...


Kelpie: How do I overcome my laziness?

Night: Effort.

Kelpie: So the system is rigged then.

Night: Big time.


Alphonse: Hewwo! I will be youw suwgeon today! Intewnal bweeding you say? Wet's make ouw fiwst widdle incision.

Kelpie: Doctow, we're wosing them!

Alphonse: Quick, hand me the defibwiwatow!

Teeboo: Please turn off my fucking life support.


That's all for the first chapter. I'll probably post a chapter of incorrect quotes every Saturday, maybe in the week if I feel determined enough to post. Bye!

Incorrect Quotes: My Friends Edition :DWhere stories live. Discover now