2. buster bros

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"common man, the guards are out like crazy, we can't take her, let alone I will not touch her, she Is a woman" "I don't care, she is hurt, I will not leave her here" "Jiro no!" "ichiro, I don't care, I'm helping her"" how are you my brother?! We hate woman!!" "ichiro,leave Jiro be, " "are you with him now saburo?!" "maybe"

I opened my eyes slowly. I was in strong arms. I couldn't remember much, but who were these people? And why are they calling me a woman?

"see, she's awake, now let's go!" the man holding me shook his head. "miss are you alright?" I sighed. "yes I am, but miss?" he nodded "you are a girl right" I shook my head. "no, I'm a guy with a girls face" he set me down on a chair. "im so sorry" I nodded. "its alright, but were am I?" a guy came behind the man who was holding me. "your at the buster bros base" I reconized that name, its was a division group. "im jiro, my apology's for holding you" I nodded. "im aoi doragon" the other man walked around and held out his hand"im ichiro " I gladly shook his hand. Another man stood up. " im saburo!" I waved. "nice to meet you all" I smiled at them.

"we were about to go to the divisions meeting, so we can disscuss were we would meet now that they increased guards around." jiro spoke up,"but, we all know that we will get into another rap battle like every time we go" ichiro nodded. "are we taking aoi with us?" saburo stated. The three boys looked at me. "yes" jiro answerd quickly. "but hes not in any divisions" I sighed. "i can rap" everyone went silent. "i know your songs" jiro slightly smiled. "show us what you can do" ichiro said. "alright" I stood up as jiro handed me a mic.

Once in a lifetime
Damn right, today you die
Rest in peace
I've got rhymes to carve on your tombstone
Incredible in every possible way
The rules of the streets are unpredictable
Words are blades, you're my rival
I'd hate to see you go down in one punch

Ichiro stopped me. "damn, your good" I smiled."he will have to make his own rap soon" saburo stoped him. "wait, aoi, would you like to join us?' I thought for a moment. "can I have some time to decide?"


I know i said I wouldn't put the lyrics, but I may have changed my mind haha

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