3. bros that are gay!

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They all nodded. "lets just get going" jiro placed his hand on ichiros shoulder,"bro we should wait" ichiro gave jiro a death stare"lets go" he said in a more demanding tone. Jiro looked at him in fear, like he had never seen this side of ichiro before. Saburo gave him the same look. Divisions are usualy sets of three people, but the dirty dawgs I guess made a four person group, so isnt that technicly not a division? But, thats not exactly the point im trying to get at. -I was probily the biggest fan of all the divisions including the dirty dawg. And from what I know, ichiro is not usualy angry unless he is in a rap battle,maybe hes not ready to get into a unsuspected rap battle? No, even before a battle hes calm or getting calm, he dosnt wana let others see his anger to weeken him, the more they sow anger or saddness, or hell, even fear, the words weaken them and they have a better chance of loosing.

Someone or something is bugging him to make him loose his calm, well come to think of what I could remember of what I heard when I was still asleep, he was upset about bringing me back here. But then he calmed down when he found out I wasnt a girl, but then when I declined to join, he got upset, so if I pinpoint all of that, hes upset because of me, now I need to think more,

Was it that I looked like a girl? Did I remind him of someone? Maybe its because I didn't join his division? Wait.. He may be gay no.. Hes no surely hes not! Damit! Hes not and I need to stop thinking like this! I wasn't paying attention to what was happing or what they were saying I just face palmed myself. I could feel the heat rising on my face.

"yo aoi are you ok?' I nodded. "we can go now if you want big bro!' ichiro turned around to see the one who hardly spoke at all sence I arived. Saburo. He was smileing and kicking his legs back and fourth. it was purely addorible. "fine" ichiro was giving not only jiro the cold shoulder, but all of us. Something was wrong but this time I didn't have time to think. They already started walking to there car. I quickly followed behind them.

The drive there was silent. I could tell jiro wanted to ask what was wrong, but didn't know how. Saburo looked at them as if they had faught. But no, we all felt we did something wrong,

Ichiro stoped the car and we looked out to see the building were we would be meeting in.

It was huge, like a warehouse! "well, are you going to get out?" it was a cold harsh voice. I looked to see that ichiro had been nice and was holding the door open for me, I felt my face start to burn. "yes sorry!!" I steped out of the car, my hand ended up brushing ichiros hand. My face burned more.

"hey guys.." we all stoped and turned to ichiro "yeah bro?" jiro asked. "im sorry for being cold" jiro and saburo smiled, running up to hug ichiro. He hugged back smileing.i smiled, a genuine happy smile. They were brothers. It was nice, how close they were. I walked over and placed my hand on ichiros shoulder. "its ok" I smiled even more. The two boys let go of ichiro and grinned at eachother. Me and ichiro looked at them confused. "hey we have a question for you aoi~" I took my hand off ichiros shoulder. Yeah whats up" they looked at eachother and then back at me. "whats your sexuality?" my face burned. "u-um, I-im " I looked down at my feet."i-im g-gay" I said quietly, I was embarrased to tell others. "what was that?~" they both became little devils. "i-I said I-im gay" I said it a little louder. Enough for only those two to hear. "oh~" they said in harminy. "you here that ichiro~aoi is gay to~" my face turned a new shade of red.

I looked at ichiro. Is face was crimson. we both looked away from eachother. had never though about it unill now but ichiro has beautiful eyes. My face burned more. Stop with all these gay thoughts!

I looked back at ichiro. We locked eye contact for a second. And then looked away again. Jiro and saburo started walking inside. I started walking, me and ichiro both walked up to the door at the same time. "u-um y-you can go first" I looked up at ichiro and backed up. He shook his hands. "no you should go first!" I shook my head. "n-no please I insist" he nodded. I grabed the door and held it open for him. 

"comon love birds"

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