7 | french fries

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"What do you want from McDonalds?"

"What the heck Matthew?"

"I'm getting some breakfast and thought maybe you liked something."

"I'm at school."

"Oh, sorry I'll-"

"Plus McDonalds kinda sucks but fries."

"Okay, okay."

"And also gimme some extra fries!"

"Matthew is this a trick for us to meet because-"

"Don't worry, I'm not pressuring you to meet. I'll leave them here and tell them it's for Sofia, sadly I probably will need your last name..."

"... Promise you won't look me up???"

"Yeah yeah. I swear it on the Nakatomi Tower."

"Wait how did you know-"

"I have many secrets"



"That's my last name."

"Oh okay. It's the the 20th and Manchester's McDonalds. I'll make sure it's all ready so you just have to pick it up."

"I really don't know why you do this."

"Me neither but just accept it."

"Thank you, Matt."

"No problemo."


I waited till my first break started to go for the french fries Matthew had got me. I was still a bit surprised by all of it. I wasn't used to boys buying me things, much less boys who only knew what I sounded like. It was strange and a bit funny to think a month ago I had no idea who Matthew Foster was and now here I was, on my way to a McDonalds for free fries all because of a guy who had typed my number when making a prank.

I pulled into the line hands on my steering wheel when my phone rang, I expected it to be Matt again but it was Natalie. My best friend for around 5 years now, she was also the only other person who knew about Matthew and I. I wasn't really sure how long this calls were gonna last so I decided to keep them as a private thing, though it wasn't like there was many people I could go to. Then again, I also thought about my safety first so I realized maybe having someone know who he was would help in case he turned out to be what I feared and I went M.I.A.

"Hey!" I said picking up, the phone automatically connecting to the car bluetooth.

"Hi, are you in the line already?" Nat asked on the other side of the called, just as I pulled up, behind a small gray SUV.

"Yup, there's a bit of line but I don't think I'll be long."

"Damn girl, I can't believe this guy actually bought you food. He doesn't even know what you look like and he's already trying to get with you."

"He's not! He's just being nice, plus he's not that kind of guy."

"Yeah, sure. I don't know. I asked my friend in Ridgewood and she said that he was 'seeing' this one girl but that stopped a while ago.."

"Nat, stop. Matthew and I are friends. Not even that. Now let me enjoy my fries. I'll see you back at school."

"Leave me some, bye!" We ended the call and I stepped on the gas moving with the line.

"Hi, welcome to McDonalds. What can I get you?" A soft female voice said through the speaker.

"Um I'm here to pick up something for Sofia Jacobs."

"Oh yeah, it's taken care of don't worry! You'll get your fries in the next window."

"Thank you." A smile wrapped in my lips. Matthew knew what he was doing but still I would need more than this to trust him. He could say all he wanted about not being that guy but I knew to not be too sure and plus he still could change his mind when we met, if we met. Maybe we would just lose contact, though truly, I didn't want that.

"Here you go." The girl who I could only guess was the same as before handed me a small bag through the window.

"Thanks." I grabbed it and waited for her to step away to start the car again. Almost as if he knew, Matthew sent me a text.

Malfoy 😈: Got the fries?

Granger 🥴: Mhm. You're the best!!!

I realized what I had typed too late. Right after hitting sent, my eyes darted back to the last text, I tried not too overthink it too much and hoped Matthew wouldn't either. Because it was just my stomach speaking.... right?

a/n: HI! so when I was making this chapter I thought it probably would be nice to have a one shot of Matthews reaction when he got the text so please leave a comment here if you want it and I'll post the draft I have!

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