13 | brawns

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"Hi Matthew."

"Hey... You okay?"

"How did you do that?"


"Know that something is off..."

"Oh, well I've heard you annoyed before so."

"Yeah but we barely-... Anyways yeah I'm fine."

"Fine isn't okay"

"I'm... I just needed someone to talk to."

"What's wrong?"

"I just knew I shouldn't have come with my dad this weekend. Him and I have never had the best relationship and my mom thought maybe this would bring us closer but now I'm just way more frustrated and anxious. God he's unbelievable."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault..."

"Yeah I know but I wish I could do something."

"Hey why don't you just talk to me, that will at least keep you distracted."

"Sure, well I don't know. Can we talk about something else?"

"Of course.  Whatever you want."

"So... you are a Junior right?"


"What do you wanna study?"

"Well I'm not super sure yet but I was thinking maybe teaching wouldn't be bad..."

"Really? Damn Matt you always surprise me."

"Yeah well I like kids and they are tomorrow's future so what better way to make a change. Plus there's good schools that aren't that expensive and considering my dad is already doing so much to pay my sisters college I feel like maybe looking for local affordable options is the most important."

"You have a sister?"

"Yeah, Clara. She's 2 years older. She's studying in Berkley so."

"Oh that's a great school."

"Yeah she's studying law, but she's always been the brains in the family so at least she got some percentage of a scholarship."

"Is it just her, your father and you?"

"Yup. My mom left when I was a kid. It's fine, I barely remember."

"It's not fine, but we don't have to talk about it."

"So Clara is the brains in the family?"

"Mhm. I'm, of course, the brawns."

"Oh yeah, of course."

"Hey! There's that chuckle we know and love!"



"So what about you?"


"I'm also 17, and I have 2 younger brothers. I want to study journalism, ideally of course I'd go to Northwestern but USC is also an option."

"I can see you as a journalist."

"Well I mean I don't know... I guess we'll see what happens next year."


"It's late"

"Yup, we should both head to bed."

"Goodnight Mater."

"Sleep well."

"Wait, Matt."


"How was the game?"

"Oh we won."

"Well, congrats."

"Yeah, thanks."

"Thanks for staying up with me."

"Anytime, princess."

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