The Confrontation

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"Welcome my child", Emperor Palpatine greeted Luke upon his arrival. "I have been awaiting this day for a very long time. You must take your place alongside your father, and bring a new age to the galaxy. I can show you more power than you could ever imagine. All have to do is accept my offer..."

"I'm not here to join you! I am here to stop you!" Luke shouted. "I would never join such a cause! You've killed thousands of innocent people across the galaxy, this ends today!"

"I was afraid you might say that", the Emperor sighed. "I am fully aware of your friends' plan to destroy the shield generator on Endor..."

The Emperor walked over to a large glass window overlooking the forest moon below.
"My forces are prepared to handle this...they have been alerted and your little friends will fall into a trap I have laid for them. In fact...your friends may already be dead."

"No...that can't be true", Luke mumbles to himself. "(Y/N)... please be okay..."

(Meanwhile...on Endor)
"Looks like the coast is clear", Han says while signaling the others the move in closer to the imperial base.

"Something about this doesn't feel right", (Y/N) whispered quietly to Leia. "I agree...", she replied. "It seems too quiet.." They cautiously followed behind Han.

Suddenly imperial troops surrounded the remaining rebel forces. "Weapons down rebel scum you are surrounded. Your little plan has failed. We were tipped off and were fully prepared for your arrival."

"We have the rebels surrounded. Alert the Emperor of our success" , a trooper spoke into  a com on his wrist.

"What now genius", Leia whispered angrily to Han. "Well....I didn't think this far ahead. How was I supposed to know that they would figure us out!?"

"Silence!", one of the troopers yelled. Suddenly, a large rock came hurling out of the trees taking out the trooper in one shot.

The Ewok leader emerged from a nearby bush. Signaling his followers to continue the assault. Soon all of the troopers were taken out and the rebels were set free.

"You got lucky this time", Leia said to Han. "It was all part of the plan", Han replied. (Y/N) and Leia looked at each other and shook their heads. "For some reason I don't believe you.." , (Y/N) said sarcastically. "Come On... I always have a backup plan ladies", Han said nervously.

"Shouldn't we get back on task", Leia said impatiently. "The imperials already signaled that their plan was a success. This could be our chance to catch them off guard. We can still disable their shield from the ground. We can launch a surprise attack on them."

"Perfect..", Han said as he ran inside the base quickly. He took the shield generator out with a single shot from his blaster. "Leia! Give the rebel fleet the go ahead to continue the assault. The shield has been deactivated successfully!!"

(Back to Luke 👀)

An imperial officer came rushing into the room. "Sir...the rebels have somehow overrun the remainder of our troops on Endor..what are your orders??...they...they have destroyed the shield generator..."

"Let them think they have you really think we would be so foolish to not have a backup plan?... the Death Star is fully operational..we will continue with our main objective. The rebels are preparing an assault at this very moment. We will be prepared to handle them." , the emperor laughed.

" Your...orders...then...sir?", the officer said calming down.

"Kill them all... no survivors should be permitted", the Emperor said. "Today the rebels are wiped out forever. It is the beginning of my new empire."

Moments later an imperial starship fired on and destroyed a rebel ship in the assault. Luke watched in horror as the rebel ship burst into flames.

"NO!!!!", Luke yelled angrily. "That's it...give into your anger..", the Emperor said smiling. Luke charged at the Emperor, and Vader stepped in between them. "Join us...and we will allow your friends to live." , Vader said igniting his saber. "I will never give into hate and join you!", Luke yelled. Vader and Luke begin to dual with their sabers. "If you won't join me, I will turn your sister to the dark side instead!" , Vader threatened.

"Shut up! I won't let you do that!", Luke said charging Vader. Enraged, Luke swung his lightsaber and severed Vader's prosthetic hand off.

"That's it Luke...strike him down and take his place", the Emperor attempts to entice Luke.

"I will NEVER join you.....I am a my father before me!", Luke declared. Infuriated, the Emperor strikes Luke down with force lightning. At this moment, Vader decides to throw the emperor down a reactor shaft. The thought of allowing his son to die at the hands of the emperor was unbearable to him. He is fatally struck with lightning in the process.

"Father...", Luke says as he rushes to Vader's side. Vader asks Luke to remove his mask in one final request.  As a redeemed Anakin Skywalker, Vader dies in his son's arms.

Luke is saddened by the death of his newly redeemed father. However, he has something else eating his mind.

"(Y/N)....please be okay"

To be continued...

Note: thank you all for your patience, love, and support! :) you guys are dope af

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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