Chapter 1

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My name is Sophia. I was a happy little 11 year old girl with long blond hair until my parents said they had to take me 'somewhere '. That 'somewhere' was a orphanage. Six years later i have purple hair, my ears pierced 8 times, a nose piercing, a lip piercing, and of course, scars on my arm. At this orphanage we get 4 hours of going out to the world, so i go hang out with my friend skylar in the alley that I graffitied. Then after that I grab my guitar and sing for some money. At the end of the day i made about $50. When its lights out I grab my laptop and play minecraft or watch team crafted. This is pretty much my life and that's how it will always be how it is because no one wants to adopted a emo, punk, depressed, 17 year old. (Heyo guys punk here. So sorry for such a sort chapter i just thought this was a good place to end it. BAAAAIIII!!!!

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