Together Stronger than Ever

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After we was done the whole house was smoky. We looked at each other with our eyes barely open. He leaned over to kiss me and I started kissing him back. He eased his way on top of me but we got interrupted by ringing of the door bell. "WHO IS IT?!" Langston yelled sounding aggravated. "Chris nigga!" Chris yelled at the door. Langston got up and opened the door. Chris walked in and sat on the chair. "What up." he said. "Hey." I said. I started back in my strawberries. "Wassup?" Langston asked. "Ok, so I found out that Tori and her crew are trying to come to our new trap and shoot it up and take you and me." Chris said. I looked over at Langston who was staring at the ground clenching his jaws. "Maybe I should come." I said. Langston and Chris looked over at me and made a face. "What I'm serious obviously she didn't learn her lesson from the first time." I said. Chris nodded his head in an agreement but I could tell Langston wasn't going with it. "Maybe we do need Z, maybe she can be a big help." Chris said to Langston. "Are you sure Zaya?" Langston asked me. "Yes, I am sure." I said. "Alright, go drop off Austin at my moms or your brother's and we'll be out." he said.
I hopped up and got Austin out his room and grabbed his diaper bag. I kissed Langston and left. I decided to take him to my brother's house since Langston's mom always have him. After a 20 minute drive I pulled up in the drive way. I knocked on the door with Austin in his car seat. "Heyyy Z!" Julian said almost yelling. "Hey." I said. "What you want?" he asked. "Your not going to let me in?" I asked confused. "Uhmm, nah.. what you want?" he said sounding kinda aggravated. "I need you to watch Austin for the night and I'll come get him in the morning." I said with this look. "Yea, I can do that." He said reaching for Austin. "Where the twins?" I asked looking over him. "Uhmm, gone with their mom." he said quickly looking inside and back at me. "Julian why you acting like that?" I asked. "Why all the questions, don't you have something to do?" he said. I pushed right passed him and looked around. I heard a female voice. "Baby, I'm ready for you!" she squealed. I looked at Julian who had his head down. She came down the stairs and stopped in shock. "Julian who is she??" I yelled. "No, who are you?" she asked pointing at me. "I'm his sister.. tf you here for?" I asked her. "I'm his girl." she said. I looked back at Julian who was just standing there holding Austin in his car seat. "What's going on?" I asked. "Me and Eva aren't together right now sooo she left with the kids.." he stated. "And you here fucking hoes and shit huh." I said walking towards him. "Hoe??" she yelled. "Yea bitch, HOE. You are a HOE. You fucking with a married man!" I yelled at her. "Julian you've got to do better bruh. Don't do nothing stupid infront my son." I said pointing at Julian.
I left out the house and as I was pulling out the girl was storming out the house half naked getting in her car. I just giggled and honk my horn. On the way back to the house I thought to myself who am I to tell anyone anything about cheating when I cheated. Fuck! Langston will soon find out but now is not the time.
I cleared my mind from that bull and pulled up home. Langston and Chris was outside smoking. "You ready?" I asked. "Yes but you not." Langston said. "How come?" I asked looking at myself. "You think you can do anything in what you got on? Go change." He demanded. I laughed and went to change. I pulled out a black sweatshirt with all black joggers, I found my black combat boots and I put my hair in a bun. Once I was done we left and headed straight to the trap. Langston and Chris dapped everybody while I waved. "Baby you don't have to be bashful." A man with a deep voice said coming from a room. "What's up boss!" Langston said dapping him. "Now, we wait till those motherfuckas come, they all gon die tonight." The man said with a strong New Orleans accent. I was a little nervous cause they was going to be shooting but I really wanted to get Tori. "They here!" a guy yelled from the window. "Alright everyone in their positions!" Langston yelled. Chris took me to the back outside. "You walk around the house and get Tori she's not coming out the car we know for sure. Then take her to our warehouse and tie her ass up." he said as he handed my a gun. I nodded my head in an agreement and waited. Not to long until I heard gun shots. I ran around the house and seen she was in the car in the backseat. I ran up to her pointing the gun and told her to get out the car. She did as I said and I took her to the other car. I kept the gun pointing at her while I drove. "Bitch, you think you can get away with this!?!?" she yelled. "Shut up bitch!" I yelled at her before I pistol whipped her. She was out.
I pulled up to the warehouse and the twins was waiting. We got Tori out the car and into the warehouse. One of the twins tied her up. I stood there waiting for the boys. I started to get even more nervous. After a long ass 2 hour wait the boys finally came back. Chris cane in all hyped and excited. Langston came in all cool and calm. A few other men came in hyped up too. "Well, well, well." Langston said walking up to Tori. She woke up finally and started screaming. "Bitch shut up!" one of the twins said. I giggled. "I warn you once. You say you understand and won't do it. Now your ass back in the same position. I spared your life and now your done for." Right then and there Langston pulled out his gun and shot her right in the middle of her forehead. I jumped and turned around. "Clean this shit up and get rid of her body." Langston said. He walked out the room and they got started cleaning her. I didn't think he would of killed her. But I guess that's what comes in the game.

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