The Maze Runner Highschool

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Hello my name is Andrea and this is my first story on Wattpad. I have some grammar errors so please don't bother in the comments. Soooo this story is about the characters of the maze runner (I do not own the maze runner only other characters) in modern day highschool. It will be in Newt's POV and he has his group of friends and a girl shows up and I think you imagine what will happen next. It's a bad description but well. I hope you read my story and like it you are free to comment ideas and what you want but please no bad words or things like that.


I wake up in the morning by my bloody alarm ringing next to me on my night table. I turn it off and sit on the edge of my bed. I rub my eyes with my hands to shake the sleep off them. I choose some clothes from my closet. Jeans, a black shirt and black vans. I take a quick shower and change into my clothes. I prepare my backpack and go downstairs to eat breakfast. My name's Newt I'm sixteen years old and in ninth grade. I go to TMR Highschool which stands for The Maze Runner Highschool. I don't know why the bloody hell they put that name to the shuckin' school but they say its because they put us to run alot and because the hallways are like a freaking maze.

I get downstairs and check if my mom left me some breakfast to eat. There's nothing so I just grab an apple and leave for school. I live near the school so I go walking. Half the way to school I get to my bestfriend's house. I ring the bell and wait. Minutes later Tommy comes out and we leave.
"Hey Tommy how are you?" I ask. I'm friend with Tommy since sixth grade, he is my same age but is taller so he looks like eighteen. He's like a brother to me.
"I feel like klunk" he says with a sigh "I slept until two in the morning playing with the Xbox" "As always" I say. We get to the big, two floors ochre building and see the gang outside by the benches talking.

Alby is the first to notice us and waves. He's a dark skin boy, age seventeen and the same height as me.
"Hey shanks!" Minho says once we are with them. Minho is the asian boy, he's tall as Tommy and is the smartest of us.
"Hey what's up?" Tommy asks. "Well I heard that there is going to be a new greenie today Tom" Teresa says. She's fifteen not that tall but nor too small. She's Tommys girlfriend.
"Hey! Guys look out theres the new greenie!" Chuck says running to us. Chuck is thirteen years old and is in seventh grade but is a great friend of ours. He's small and a little fat.
"Its...a cute...girl" Chuck says out of breath. I look at where the new greenie is and get awe. She's bloody nice but that isn't what got my attention. She has a cute smile, hipster glasses hanging from her blouse and beautiful honey eyes. I problaby had stared at her for a lot of time because I'm wake up from my trance by Minho's hand waving in front of me.
"Uh?" I ask "Sorry I got distracted"
"Dude at least make it less obvious you like her" Teresa said, mocking me.
"I dont even know her name, how would I like her?" I say, defending myself.
"By the look on your eyes Newt". I stay quiet for some seconds and say "Don't start bothering with that. Good that?"
"Good that" everyone says. The bell rings and we go inside. This is going to be a long day trying to get near her without the others bothering.

* * * *

That's the first chapter so I hope you have like it and continue reading my story. Leave comments and ideas. The cover is going to be put in the story later. Tell me if you liked the chapter and please please please recommend it. Next chapter Newt will try to talk to the new girl.
And remember I dont own the characters of the maze runner the incredible James Dashner does!!

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