Alice, you are weird

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Chapter 3

I stand up and go to where Alice is.

"Hey need help finding your next class?" I ask her

"I told you to leave me alone" she says turning around. She notices me and turns red with embarrasment.

"Sorry, thought it was that guy Alby again." she says looking down. I smile

"Dont worry. Well do you need help?" I ask again, hoping she would say yes. Woah. I think Im really starting to like her.

"Mmm actually yes. My next class is advance math" she says looking at her schedule.

"Really? Im actually going there too" I say a little enthusiastic. Even though its not true, Im bloody bad in math.

"Really? I didnt thought you where this type of boy" she says. What does she mean by Im that type of boy.

"Two things: One, Im actually not in advance math."I say. "Two, what do you mean by that type of boy?" she looks down. I think shes actually disappointed Im not with her. Whoah. Im having effect on this girl.

"Oh, umm I meant nothing actually just that I thought you where that type of boy that is perfect." she says. "Not that Im not saying youre not perfect just not that type of perfect" she says embarrass. I dont answer and instead motion for her to follow me. She does and all the way we are both quiet. We get there before class starts.

"Here we are." I say. She smiles and goes in, but before she definitely enters I pull her arm.

"See this" I say and let her enter. I enter too and hide behind the door. The bell rings and everyone sits down. I see mr John enter and when he is by his desk push the door very hard, so it slams loudly. He yelps and turn around. Before he can even say something I go to the light switch and start turning it on and off at least seven times.

"Bloddy hell, now I get it!" I say. Mr John comes and I quickly open the door and get out, closing the door behind me. I see mr John come to the door but I dont let him open it. Everybody in the class is laughing their heads off. Even Alice. I see through the small window and see Alice staring. I wink at her and wave. I let go off the door and run before someone calls me. I get to my locker and grab my notebooks. I need a pass for entering class, but right now I cant go to get one to the principals office so I go to the infirmary.

"Goodmorning ms can I get a pass for class?" I ask the nurse. She nods and I give her my information. I get to math class and get lost in my thoughts. And when I say my thoughts its particularly Alice. Shes wonderful. Her smile, even though it doesnt show teeth I dont know why, is cute. Her honey eyes are precious. And her curly hair is glamurous. Altogether is perfection. And her personality its weird, but a cute weird.

~page break to end of math~

The bell rings and I quickly gather my things and go look for Alice. I spot her by the door and go to her.

"So what do you think?" I say hoping she liked my little prank. She just smiles.

"It was bloody good"she says coping my vocabulary. "I even think he even mutter you where the shuckiest shank he knew" When she says that I chuckle a bit. I like Alice. We head towards her locker. She opens it and I see she has some photos of her with a dog and photos of... pandicorns?

"You like pandicorns?" I ask. She nods and looks down embarrased. I actually think its cute even though pandicorns are weird. I like girls who are cute.

"You know I think youre weird Alice" I say serious. She stiffens and quickly puts her things in her locker and leave.

"Hey wait!" I yell. She starts and I follow her. She starts running faster when she notices Im following. She turns in a corner after the principals office and goes through a door that leads to a small garden. I follow her but see her from far away. She sees a small bench and sits down there. I go up to her and sit down. I notice tears streaming down her cheeks. I made her cry. I freaking made her cry, and its the worst feeling ever.

"Hey Im sorry" I say "I didnt meant it that way. Youre weird in a cute way and I like that. I think its cute." she doesnt say anything. Tears continue streaming down her cheeks.

"Alice Im really sorry" I say. I grab her chin gently and force her to look me in the eyes.

"Its okay. Its just when you said that you made me remember my old school."she says trailing off.

"What happened back there?" I ask softly.

"I was bullied. People knew I like pandicorns and books and thought it was a weird combination so they called me weird. Thats why I changed to this school, I really never had any friends and when I came here and you started talking to me it was wonderful, but then you call me weird and well here we are." She finishes. She was bullied for something dumb.

"Alice look Im very sorry I didnt did it on purpose. Im not doing it again, and remember you are not weird you where bullied for something bloody stupid" I say. She smiles and thats when I start leaning on to kiss her. Just as our lips where about to connect the watersprings go off wetting us from head to toe. We quickly go inside and get towels to dry ourselves. I was just about to kiss her when the shucking springs went off. I just hope I get another chance to kiss her.

"Im glad youre my friend Newt" shesays while drying her hair. I smile and wink at her.

"Me too. About the kiss umm I dont know. I am umm sorry, I think" I say rubbing my neck with my hand.

"You really wanted that kiss dont ya'?" she says. I just nod without even seeing her, ashamed. Suddenly she gave a quick peck on the lips. I was surprised but enjoyed it even though it was quick. I smile and for the first time she smiles, teeth showing.

"Your smiles is pretty" I say. She just turns red and we leave for the principles office to get a pass.


Helloooo I hope you liked this chapter. I dont know if tomorrow I will update but problably I do on sunday. Comment if you liked the cover. Please vote, comment and follow. PLEASE READ SPEAK FROM MY FRIEND 10KSAINTS its really good. ALSO RECOMMEND MY STORY PLEASE!!!!!!

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