Nineteen - Let's Start Over

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"Alright, Mr. Hamilton, you are set to go. Make sure you take one of those pills every morning until they run out and that you're not doing too much physical activity for at least a week. Also, please try to look both ways before crossing the street."

I nod, not really even listening to what he was saying. I just really wanted to get away from the hospital as soon as possible. He sighs and then removes everything from my arms before placing the hoodie and jeans Eliza left for me on the counter and exiting. I stand and grab the clothes before going and changing in the bathroom.

I exit the room and see Eliza standing there and I sigh. "Eliza, you don't have to-"

"Nope, I'm taking you home." She says firmly and I just shrug, realizing there was no point in trying to argue with her.

We get into her car and I put on my seatbelt, only because I was with Eliza, not because I actually like wearing my seatbelt. Once we start driving, I hear my phone buzz and I pull it out.

1 Unread Message from Unknown

I tilt my head and then click on it. "Who is it?" Eliza asks and I shrug.

"No idea."

Unknown Hey, I heard
you got out of the
hospital. How are you

A.Ham Um..Who is

Unknown Oh shoot,
sorry. I forgot that
Eliza probably didn't
give you my number.

A.Ham So this is...?

The next response was taking a little longer, so I look up Eliza. "Hey, did you give my number out to someone?" I ask.

She smiles. "Oh good, they're texting you."

"Eliza, who did you give my number to?" I groan. She just giggles and i hear my phone buzz again.

'Unknown' has changed their name to 'TurtleLuver'

TurtleLuver Haha,
it's been a while
since I've used this

A.Ham John?

TurtleLuver Yep!

I look up at Eliza and smile softly. "How did you convince John to text me?"

She shrugs as she continues to drive. "I didn't. I slipped your number in his phone without him noticing and then I texted him today that you were out of the hospital and that you felt bad. I never did tell him to text you, though. That's all him."

I stare in shock at her and then hear my phone buzz again. "You may want to reply, Alex." She says, smirking gently.

I blush and look back down at my phone.

TurtleLuver Are you
still mad at me....?

A.Ham No!

A.Ham I mean yes

A.Ham I mean yes but no.
You have more reason to
be mad at me, I legit told
you to leave yesterday..

TurtleLuver Right..Well
Eliza said you felt bad, so
I forgive you. I'm sorry
for leaving..

A.Ham Again, I told
you to leave, this isn't
your fault.

TurtleLuver I don't
mean yesterday, I
mean 5 years ago.

Honestly, I Love You (LAMS AU)Where stories live. Discover now