Twenty Two - Back to Normal

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"Can we... Take...A break?" Martha asks while panting.

I however, continue running. "No, not until we get into the city and can blend in. Just...a little while longer..."

We continued running while I was still holding John as he clutched onto my shirt and tried his best not to cry. I saw a couple tears slip, but I knew he had a good reason to cry, so I didn't care at all.

A few minutes later, we finally reach the city and start walking, and I set John down and hold his hand as we walk along the streets. Martha was breathing heavily as she held two of her bags and I held the other one.

John looks out of it, so I kiss him on the cheek lightly as we continue to walk. John blushes madly and I raise an eyebrow before I realize why he's blushing so much.

We're not together, idiot. Why the hell would you do that?

"We just need to get to the airport, and then we're out of the fucking south." I say to them, earning a chuckle from Martha.

"You know, it's not that bad down here, the scenery is really nice." Martha giggles. "I'm so excited to finally explore, though. I have never left South Carolina."

I smile softly at her. "Well, New York is one hell of a fresh start, let me tell you."

Timeskip brought to you by a mind at work

"Mes amis, where have you two been? We've been worried sick!" Lafayette asks as he bursts through my apartment door. I thought I had locked it, but apparently not.

I see Martha jump at the sudden loud noise and I roll my eyes at the tall French man and the shorter man next to him. "Herc, Laf, I went with John to South Carolina..We brought back his sister." I gesture towards her and she waves awkwardly. "Martha, this is Lafayette and Hercules, Herc, Laf, this is Martha."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Martha smiles brightly, her southern accent even thicker than John's.

Lafayette looks at me with a concerned face. "Vous laissez entrer des gens? C'est tellement différent de toi, Hamilton." (You are letting people in? This is so unlike you, Hamilton.)

I blush madly and shake my head. "Laf, ne vous inquiétez pas, elle va au collège dans quelques jours." (Laf, don't make it a big deal, she's going to college in a couple days.)

Lafayette looks to John and smirks.
"Et où allez-vous rester?" (And where will you be staying?)

John blushes and rubs the back of his neck. "I actually haven't even thought of that..." He mumbles.

Martha stares at us in confusion. "Wait, I just missed a whole conversation, what happened?"

Hercules sighs. "You'll get used to it, I still have no clue what he says." He chuckles lightly and then pecks Lafayette on the cheek.

John's jaw drops and he looks to me, as if asking what happened. "Oh, right. You haven't been here in forever...Uh, Laf and Herc are engaged. Peggy is dating a mystery girl. Aaron and Theo are married and expecting-"

"Wait, you two got engaged and didn't tell me?" John asks as he looks at the two taller men.

They shrug. "Nobody knew how to contact you, Laurens." Lafayette admits, wrapping his arms around Hercules.

"Ok and did you say Aaron and Theodosia were together? The two people who were too afraid to ever even say they were dating got married and are expecting a kid?" John asks, very perplexed.

I nod slowly. "Yes...Isn't that what I just said?" I ask, chuckling softly.

"Wow, I really need to catch up..." John mumbles and Hercules smiles.

"Come to our restaurant tonight! We'll close it and have a welcome home party for you!" Herc squeals excitedly.

I chuckle as I roll my eyes. John smiles and then turns to his sister. "What do you say, Martha? Wanna come to a welcome party?"

She shrugs. "I mean, sure. Maybe I'll make some friends."

"It's settled, then. Dinner at the restaurant at 6pm tonight!" Lafayette says, clapping his hands together. "Babe, text the squad and let them know we're having a welcoming party for John and Martha."

"Oh, shoot, I don't know where the restaurant is.." John says, frowning a little.

"Oh, don't worry, Alexander will take you!" Hercules says, smirking at me.

My eyes widen. "What? No way, I'm not going to that. I already socialized enough this week for my birthday dinner, remember?"

"No, mon ami, that was last week. This is a new week, and you need to help your new roommate get to-"

"Roommate?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. He smirks gently at me.

"Well, of course. You two already roomed together before, and there's no space anywhere else." Lafayette says before grabbing Hercules's hand and dragging him out the door. "Bye, see you three later!"

The door closes and I sigh. "I'll give you the address, I'm not going to the dinner." I mumble before walking over to my desk.

"Well, why not?" Martha asks. I look over at her and smile politely at her.

"Martha, I have a lot of work to do-"

"That sounds like an excuse." John interrupts, crossing his arms.

I look up at him and frown. "I'm sorry, who do you think you are?" I ask.

"Your friend, Alex. You're coming to dinner, it sounds like you need to catch up with others, too."







I groan and Martha giggles. "You two fight like an old married couple."

I blush and then glare lightly at him. "Yeah, that wouldn't happen in a million years." John frowns, but I pay no attention to it as I just turn to his younger sister. "Martha, you can sleep on the couch until you can move into your dorm and John you can sleep on the pullout bed until Martha moves out. You two have fun at dinner, and don't bother me." I say before grabbing my work and walking to my room.

I feel myself being stopped suddenly as someone grabs my shoulder. I sigh and turn around to face, no surprise, John. "John, I said not to bother-"

"Nope, you're coming with us, end of discussion."

1055 Words

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