Chapter 80: Dear Margot

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Dear Margot,

We haven't talked in quite a while, and I've been so wrapped up with everything going on that I've completely forgotten to write to you. I hope more than anything that everything is going well with you, wherever you are. Hopefully, you made your way to Joe.

I have so much to tell you and no idea where to start. So many big things are happening and I wish you were here to experience them with me, but I know you have your own life to live and your own big things going on. 

I guess I will start with the biggest piece of news, which is that George Luz and I got married! As soon as it happened I wanted to run to you and tell you everything. It's been weird getting used to not having you by my side through everything. I guess George is my new Margot now. Anyway, it was a really spur of the moment thing and believe it or not, I proposed to him! I wish you could have seen it! It looked like his eyes were going to pop out of his head. 

After you left he showed up at my house out of nowhere and everything finally became clear. It was him. It was always him. But you knew that. You always know things way ahead of me; you're smart like that. Always have been, always will be. 

The wedding was small and happened not long after but I felt so bad not having you there! If there had been time to invite you, trust me, I would have because I needed someone to kick me into shape. I was so nervous! But I did it. I got myself down that aisle and I married that damn man! 

The ceremony was lovely and we had both of our families there, which combined was more than enough people. It was quaint and beautiful and I have so many photos to show you. I've attached my favourite one with this letter. Doesn't George look so different in a suit as opposed to his usual ODs? He looks like a whole new man. 

The next biggest chunk of news is that we moved to Asheville, Tennessee. It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do because I knew there was no way I could sit around and be a housewife. Then I remembered the letter Captain Miller sent. Thankfully, George agreed to come out here with me and he managed to find work as well, so now I'm here, training future combat medics at Camp Mirage. 

It's so weird to be back here where everything started. It seems like just yesterday we were sitting in that damn mess hall, but at the same time, it also feels like a lifetime ago. So much has changed since then. I don't even feel like the same person. 

If you had asked me six years ago where I thought I would be now I probably would have said sitting at home with a litter of children, making dinner, married to Steve. Man, am I glad that didn't happen. Not that I'm super opposed to the litter of children aspect, but maybe not quite yet. George wants a big family—like, enough kids to field a whole baseball team. I love that man, and of course, I want kids with him ... maybe just not that many. 

Anyway, you'll have to come visit soon! I know George would love to see you again, and of course, I miss you like crazy. I'll take you to see Camp Mirage as well. It's changed so much and you would be proud of it, I know it. The barracks are full of women just like us, ready to serve and protect their country; wide-eyed and willing. It's beyond inspiring. 

Captain Miller would be thrilled to see you again, too. He has photos of us up on his office wall (he still claims we are his greatest achievements) and he even framed numerous newspaper articles about us. He's like a proud father, it's kind of adorable. Working with him is awesome, too. 

I wish I could show you all of this instead of just telling you. Write back to me as soon as you get this and we can plan to meet up again. The dynamic duo will reunite! 

I miss you heaps and hope all is well with you. I look forward to hearing all about how you've been!  

Remember, no matter what life throws at you, it can't possibly be worse than Currahee. Three miles up, three miles down! Hi-ho, silver! 


Annie Winslow 

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