Chapter Two

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The next week until graduation went the same. I would get up and practice with Grayson and then I would have a date night with Chris. It felt like my new normal until one night when Chris and I went out for dinner. While I was out to dinner with Chris I saw a guy in a red dress shirt with a black vest and tie and a staff looking thing in his hand, smiling at me. I waved at him trying to be nice. Chris noticed my little wave and turned around.

Who were you waving at babe?

The man with the cool staff and red shirt! I said smiling at the guy sitting at the table behind Chris. He turned around again and looked confused.

You sure there is a guy sitting with a staff hon? I looked back at the table he was sitting at and he was gone.

I swear he was just there hun. I said realizing he was now gone. After an hour of eating and laughing Chris and I left and as we were walking out I noticed the man again and I waved goodbye to him. The man simply motioned for me to look in my purse, so I did and I found a little business card and a letter which said:

"Dear Sarah my name is Nate and I am a phantom. You are the only one who can see me so we can only meet in privacy so you wont get weird looks. I have been watching you for some time now and I want to help you reach your dreams faster. I left you my business card so call when you need me! Enjoy your night sweetheart. Love The Phantom." After I read the letter I nodded at him and we left. Once I got home I grabbed my guitar and started playing a song melody that had been stuck in my head since I saw the guy at the restaurant. I started writing down some lyrics and after about an hour I had a whole song written with a melody and everything. I decided that the song would be called Phantom. That night I slept well and wake up to see the Phantom sitting on my bed.

Hello Sarah! He said smiling.

Hi Nate! Sorry to be rude but why are you in my room? Nate smiled and put his hand on my leg.

Oh Sarah I followed you home last night and made it so you couldnt see me. Also I love the song you wrote about me! I had no words for this man or phantom but somehow out of fear or anger I managed to say

Why me! He put his hand on my shoulder and laughed

Oh Sarah I have so many reasons why I picked you, but the main reason I picked you was your decision to do music, I was there the night you told Grayson. I didnt know what to think my head was spinning and I wanted to faint. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples and when I opened my eyes and he was gone. I groaned and got out of bed. I get to Graysons house and record the song. Once I finish recording I go to his kitchen and hear laughing. I turned around to see Nate sitting on the counter. Anger fills inside me but I cant say anything at Graysons house so I flick him off and grab my cheese stick and go home.

The Day I Made A Deal With The PhantomDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora