Chapter Three

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Once I got home from Grayson's I went and took a much needed nap and once I woke up my dad was sitting on the edge of my bed smiling at me.

"You ready for graduation tomorrow?" I nodded and smiled, He pulled me into a big hug.

"I am so proud of you honey!" When he gets all choked up his British accent gets hard to understand which just makes me cry with him. My mom walks into us crying and hugging she joins the hug fest. After about ten minutes of crying and hugging I call Chris and tell him to come over and join us for a family movie night. About ten minutes later Chris walked in with cookie dough and ice cream. We made cookies and put on Lion King. After the movie finishes Chris and I head to bed and I fall asleep in his arms feeling safe and calm. The next morning was graduation and I was beyond ready to show people who I was. After waking up, I showered and got ready to perform my new song about the phantom. After I put on my red dress I put on my graduation cap and gown and left with Grayson to practice one more time before performing. After all of the speeches I was welcomed on stage with Grayson and a band and I introduced the band and the drummer counted us off and the song started, once I started singing I felt so confident and happy this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. Once I finish the song the whole class and parents are cheering for me. After graduation everyone is congratulating me or telling me I did a good job. After our all night party I was very delusional and tired and Chris came and picked me up and oh boy was he entertained by my very random outbursts of seeing a tree move in the wind or thinking I saw a wolf coming after the car. Once we got home I slept for most of the day because I was so tired. Once I woke up I decided to grab my guitar and start playing some songs. After about an hour of playing guitar I put it down and go downstairs to see everyone getting ready for breakfast. My dad puts his arm around me and smiles at me. My brother Ethan gives me a hug and we eat breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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