chapter 1

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Bianka was walking down the cobblestone road of Himmel street, she heard of the new girl that Rosa and Hans, her neighbours, were going to adopt.

She however, knew that they were planning on keeping a communist with them in their house, her and her younger brother. She planned on greeting them with some homemade goods from the bakery, as she loved to bake when needed. holding the little round tin filled with cookies and a cupcake with each child's name- Liesel and Werner, she stopped next to Rosa, to briefly give a shoulder touch of greeting.

An automobile drove up the the group, and inside looked to be a tiny girl, quite skinny, with a solemn look ok her face. it was then, Bianka noticed, that there was no young boy in the automobile. She wanted to question it, but knew now was not the right time. Rosa however, was not one to wait, she asked where the boy was. Having being told he had passed, her heart jumped in her chest, her expression stayed the same, but her demeanour changed and she tried to get poor Liesel out to say hello. Rosa did her best to coax the scared girl out, but in the end, Hans, ever the kind one, helped her have the courage to hop out.

Bianka waved a little hello to Liesel and came inside the house next to hers with her family. she sat by the table and opened the tin filled to the brim with fresh bakery food, and told Liesel to grab as much as she could. She only grabbed a small cookie, gingersnap, and ate it slowly, savouring it. The small girl stared at the cupcakes with her and her brothers name on it and kindly rejected the offer. A small smile was seen on Bianka's face, as she listened to Rosa tell the rules of living with them, including calling them "Mama and Papa."

Soon it was time for the girl to head to her home next door, she said goodbye to the family, and told Liesel to use the cookie tin for sewing supplies in the future if needed, and was off.

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