Chapter One

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Deep within a mountain, a defiantly inhuman man sat on a throne of hard, cold, grey stone. Looking around, he saw the sparse candle light flicker over the bloodstained walls. Bodies, half supported and half suspended, hung from manacles at the back of the room. He smiled as he looked at them; he could feel their blood, pumping feebly through their struggling bodies.

His black hair was elbow-length, with deep red spreading upwards, about five inches from the tips. His eyes – slightly slanted, seeming constantly narrowed – were the brightest red, able to permeate any darkness. The smell of dried blood was sweet to his senses and he breathed deeply. When he spoke, a deep, rich voice floated from between lips that were overwhelmed with two pointed canine teeth. His name, Chandrakandt – beloved by the moon – was an insult of the highest order.

As an elf, he had been called Fiachra – the raven – for the way his hair had shone like black wings. Had it not been for that meddling old king, Chandrakandt would not have been cursed into this half-life 255 years before; he would not now need to survive by drinking the blood of the worthless humans who should be his slaves, and unable to see the face of the beautiful sun again. Chandrakandt could feel his pulse begin to race as he thought of the injustice he was being made to suffer. He reconciled himself to the fact that he was, at least, now able to pursue his more...desired past times.

Pulling himself from his musings, Chandrakandt watched his most-trusted men enter the room, dragging a human girl in chains. He could feel her blood pumping quickly through her body, as her heart raced. His five most-trusted men smiled at their lord in greeting. Chandrakandt saw something hesitant in the way they entered and he knew that they were all carefully guarding their thoughts from him. While he knew he could force his way into their minds, he refrained, anticipating a great surprise.

"My lord, we bring you a gift." Zeroun, the first sired, said, bowing low and holding the girl's chains towards the mighty throne. Zeroun's green eyes shone radiantly in the light and his red hair hung in his face.

"Thank you. She is...lovely." Chandrakandt's voice was low, expectant. "Where did you find her?"

"Gladwinaysu, your favourite." Aridai, the fourth to be changed, replied, also bowing. As he did so, he pushed his hair behind his ear. His big, brown eyes blinked rapidly.

"You have done well, catching her from right under the noses of those troublesome elves! Bring her to me." He smiled, baring his canine teeth at the girl. She stared at him and he felt that she was daring him to take her. He was more than happy to oblige.

Luther, his second sired, and Zeroun brought the girl forward. The two gaolers handed her to their lord and stepped back hurriedly. As Chandrakandt took her face in his hands, she shivered violently and he barely registered that her pulse had slowed dramatically. He smiled again, thinking she shivered for fear of him. With a strength that was beyond any mortal man, he picked her off the floor and laid her across his lap, as a lover. He swept her hair away from her slender neck and bent over her, as a predator. Bearing his teeth, he sunk them into her neck, making her cry out slightly. He drained her body of her life-blood, licking his lips once she was empty. Pulling away from her, he let her limp body fall to the ground at his feet. He cleaned the corners of his mouth with a small, black handkerchief.

"Such a pity..." He looked down at her lifeless body. Without her blood, she smelt little different to any other animal. "But...she was delic..." The great leader, the father of this new race, of hundreds of creatures, was racked with pain and doubled over, groaning.

"Hywel, lock the doors!" Luther shouted as Chandrakandt slid from his throne, falling next to the body he had just drained. Luther's dark hair shone under the candlelight and his hazel eyes blazed with triumph.

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