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You're pretty.

You're a princess.

You're gifted.

Don't let envy embrace you as if it is your shield.

Envy won't protect you from relentless people..

With this kind of environment,
Envy will just stab you at your back when you're finally weak.

The pain will just wake your frustration and revenge.

They will carry you wounded.

They will provoke you with their grim plans,
lead you in a gloomy world
and give you promises of sweet revenge.

Don't let them comfort you.

You will just see them walking back away from you.

They will just leave you in a place where the only light is darkness.

Where your companion is loneliness.

Where being woeful is your happiness.

Until your lousy mind will just stop from thinking.

As you wish your rotten heart to stop from beating.

And finally, you will realize how useless your life is,
makes you plead to end this.

With your knife in your hand,
As sharp as your smile.

Pointing it in your heart.

With its pitty rhythm of sob.

Slowly you let it stab.

With your giggly wrath.

Breaks the silence and you ended up.

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