Chapter twentyfour

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The wolves in charge of todays hunt returned with their prey at dusk. A deer they'd gone out of their way in dragging back to the cave just to make sure they also had some. Satomi woke up to the sound of its antleers scraping against the rocky ground. Laxus didn't understand what was going on at first and jumped at the sight of the large animal being hauled in. Satomi didn't speak as she watched the pack help themselves to their share, expecting that they would eat what was left. However she was surprised when the alpha and beta cooperated in tearing off one of the hind legs and dragging it over to them. Laxus watched with wary eyes. He didn't trust the wolves. 

"You're too kind" Satomi whispered as she reached out to the alpha, he was a gentle giant with a warm heart, they'd always gotten along. He rubbed his face against her hand and made a deep friendly growling sound before turning and going back to his pack. Satomi smiled at the animal as he walked away. With a heave she managed to climb down from Laxus chest, at which she met a surprising amount of protests, it made her chuckle. 

"I'm lame from the waist down, but I still need to eat you know. Same goes for you" Laxus looked at her obviously not convinced. Satomi was famished. 

"How do you even know that's good meat? What if it was sick?" Satomi raised an eyebrow at him as she grabbed the leg, hauling it closer so she could actually eat it. 

"I trust them" She said barely inclining her head towards the animals in the other end completely preoccupied with their meal. Satomi managed to dig a finger underneath the damaged pelt to get some momentum on ripping it off. 

"Besides, were not going to get any other food up here in these mountains. We eat what they eat, or not at all" Her voice grew firm, leaving no room for further argument as she tugged at the fur with a determined yank that sent her vision blurring and threathened to rip the last of her intact muscles in her arms. She wasn't able to get much off, her fingers already slippery from the blood. Laxus considered her argument as she tired to remove the hide without succeeding. 

He reached out a hand, offering to do it. She chaught the motion in the corner of her eyes, it stabbed at her pride, but she hadn't been able to heal much at all the last few hours. It seemed like her healing abilities were merely helping against the pain at the moment. It was a welcome relief nontheless. 

She handed the leg over to Laxus, who despite being injured easily ripped the skin off. He handed it back to her with a questioning look, uncertain what to do with it next. Satomi gladly accepted it, being careful that she didn't accidentaly bump the clean meat into the ground. She took a big bite into the meat, allowing her sharp fangs do the work for her in getting hold of a big munch of the meat. Laxus's jaw dropped. 

"Raw?!" Satomi tore loose her bite, bloody meat hanging from her mouth, she turned and blinked confused at him. She chewed on it a few times, before swallowing it more or less whole, allowing her body to adapt to the food on its own. It had been a while since she ate like this, but it was as natural to her as anything else thanks to her mixed dna. 

"Did you think we were going cook it? On what?" She looked at him curiously while sinking her teeth into the meat once more, he looked like he'd seen a ghost. Satomi could see where this was going. 

"Do you expect me to eat that without wretching?" He questioned sounding almost a bit flustered. Honestly he was a little shocked at how she wasn't faced at all. Satomi sighed. 

"I expect you to survive" Her tone left no room for arguments, Laxus gave her a long stare. But accepted the leg as she held it out to him and ate without further discussion. They shared it equally. Once Laxus got over the surprise of having to eat raw meat, he noticed how starved he was and accepted every bite in gratitude. Surprisingly they managed to wolf down the entire leg on their own. Getting it down was easier for Satomi though, due to her nature. 

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