Chapter fourteen.

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"Is the subject ready?" A male voice sounded, breaking through the monotone sound of people scurrying about doing different kinds of preparations. 

"A little longer sir" Another man replied, looking up from a stack of papers he'd been analyzing. A woman walked past on quick determined steps while carrying a bottle containing a strange blue liquid, the woman stopped in front of a large machine. She pressed a button and a vile protruded from the machine and she proceeded to pour the liquid into the machine, causing it to beep at her affirmingly in response. The liquid traveled through the machine before continuing it's journey in tubes stretching from the machine to the subject in question. It was placed at the centre of the lab. A child was hanging limply from the examination table, tilted into an upright position. The child looked to be around three years old, ribs and other bones poking out from the skin as a result of malnourishment. Large wires and tubes was buried into the small figure's skin, the blue liquid got injected into the small body from one of the tubes making the body jolt from the feeling. The leather strips holding the body up creacked in protest at the sudden movement. Blisters tarnished the skin where those restraints were placed. The light flickered for a moment afterwards. 

"This  better work" The woman muttered darkly while looking at the child, breaking the tense silence that had occurred. The man who'd spoken first hummed in agreement. The machine beeped once more, announcing that the infusion had been successful and the child was completely paralysed, but not unconcious. The boss approached the small test subject determinedly, holding a large syringe in his hand. The child's head hung limply forward and the man moved the long, uncut hair out of the way. Calmly pushing the needle of the syringe in between two of her vertebare he injected the foreign dna it contained straight into the bonemarrow. Many children had aldready died from being subjected to the prosess. Human experiments were illegal, but that didn't matter to these people. The building they were in was passing as an orphanage, but all the children they got their hands on were subjected to cruel and painful procedures, which often resulted in their death. When they couldn't get their hands on orphans they resorted to kidnapping. Their objective was to try and create a hybrid of sorts, by jamming as much foreign dna they possibly could into a single body at once. Hoping they were able to merge them together to create something entirely new. This far only a few children had survived the first injection, but most gave in a few days after the second injection. The child on the table was the only one who'd survived it this long. Today was the fifth injection, and the foreign dna rushed through the tiny body like a burning poison, still the child did not scream. Her body remained completely still, just like the rest of the room. The light flickered again. 

Somehow the child survived the ordeal again and again, and never made a sound, while the other children screamed and tossed despite the paralyzing drug they were given. As the years passed the self proclaimed scientists moved on from animal dna, changing it to dna they had managed to get from magical creatures and items. Their subject never seemed to be affected by the injections in any fysical way, they weren't sure if the child had simply grown immune to their trials, or if they were doing something wrong. As a precaution they'd put her in magical handcuffs, to make sure that even if she had magic she wouldn't be able to use it. They were planning to sample her bones to see if their efforts actually bore fruit. 

Pain and suffering was all the girl had ever known, this room, with the large machines beeping at her, monitoring every breath she took. She'd never seen the sun, or tasted food, she got her nourishment from a tube. But she could hear the other children, at first it was only their screams. Pain was the only emotion that she was able to relate to. Soon she heard what they talked about when trapped in their cells, the outside world, parents. The girl never got to her cell, she'd been special since she arrived and had been strapped to the table for years on end. Death should have claimed her, like it did with all the other subjects, but it seemed like he didn't want her. 

Divinity abandoned. Laxus x OCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora