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Welcome to my anime recommendations!!

In this book I'll list anime titles, number of episodes, genres and themes, My Anime List rating, airing dates, studios, and my own synopsis and opinion of each series/movie!!

I'll also have the opening of each anime included, too, because what better way to know an anime than to see the opening? Or just listen to the opening song and hear it's vibes as you read through everything!

You can suggest anime for me to add to this book, too! Although if I decline any requests I'm sorry, but there are some anime that I don't think I'll ever watch. Also, if I accept, it just might take me a while to get around to watching an anime.

If you have any questions about certain anime or anything in this book, please ask! I'd be happy to respond to the best of my ability.

Like say you're looking for shows with minimal fanservice and a great cast of female characters? A Place Further than the Universe is hecking inspiring.

Or you're wanting to know if a dub is good or not? People weren't kidding about how perfect the Cowboy Bebop dub is, but The Disastrous Life of Saiki K dub makes me suffocate from laughter (but maybe that's just the show itself).

Or you want to know just how dark and gory a certain anime is rumoured to be but are worried about getting spoiled? Made In Abyss has a frankly excessive amount of belly button stabbing in my opinion, but overall it wasn't as bad as I thought!

Or maybe you just want to find an anime with some simpable characters to obsess over? Say hello to Bungou Stray Dogs, and say hello to Dazai, and Ranpo, and Fyodor, and Yosano, and Mushitarou, and Gin, and Nikolai, and Kunikida, and Tanizaki, and Kouyou, and Atsushi, and Edgar, and Akutagawa, and Oda, and Tachihara, and Sigma, and Nakahara Chuuya my beloved, and-

Anyways, don't worry because I've got you! Maybe! I'll try my best anyway!!

Most of the reviews are just my opinions and me gushing about how much I hecking love a series. I'm trying to recommend anime that I've really enjoyed or am currently enjoying, but that doesn't mean everyone will enjoy it! And that's okay! Just remember to be respectful!!

Also, please keep comments spoiler free! Or write a comment saying that you're going to spoil something for an anime and then comment on that comment so people can choose whether or not to see the spoiler! Please be mindful!

With that, on with the recs! Hope you find something!!


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