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Y/n's POV

*RING* *RING* *RING* goes my alarm. 'Ugh why can't we do the exams next week' I think to myself before I get up to walk over to my bathroom. I walk over to the shower to turn on the warm water then quickly get undress to save some time. I hop into the shower feeling the warm running water on back, sliding down till my ankle.

I must've gotten lost in my thoughts before I can hear my mother yell, "Y/n! Come down, it's time for breakfast" "Coming!" I yell back, quickly turning off the water and grabbing the nearest towel I can find. I  dropped my towel and grabbed my uniform, slipping it on and running to get my hairbrush. I style my hair, trying to make a good impression on my first day. "Y/n! Are you coming?!" "Yes mom!" I run down stairs, almost tripping and grab my lunchbox, stuffing it into my bag. I eat my eggs and bacon, kissing my mom and running out the door to get my skateboard from the garage.

Time skip

As I roll down the street I see Russia with America and someone else. "Hey guys!" I said excited, it's the first day of senior year at a new school and I can't wait to make friends. "Oh, Hey Y/n" Russia and America both say in sync, "Hey Y/n this is our friend Germany, say hi" Russia said pointing over to the guy walking. "H-hey nice to meet you I'm Y/n!" "Oh, Guten Tag, I'm Deutschland." He replies, pushing up his glasses as he smiles. "Well I got to go, don't want to be late!" I say, pushing along your skateboard. "But your going to be super early like wayyyy to early" America question, stretching out the Y. "You know me, it's the first day of senior year and I want to make a good impression!" I start to yell as I start pushing the skateboard.

'Deutschland... that's a cute name' I giggle about the
Thought. 'I just met him today and now I have a crush, I wonder if I have any classes with him.'
I push my skateboard, drifting down the street and cruising up the curb. Once I got onto school pavement, I stopped my skateboard and pick it up, slowly jogging to the secret tree I always hide my stuff. The tree sat in between the Rosetta Park and High Sky High School. I would always go and sit near that tree, it was my favorite because it was a weeping willow.

I dropped of my skateboard off near the tree and ran with my book bag, up the stairs and into the high school. "Please scan name tag" the robot said, catching my eye. I grabbed my ID and brought it up to the scanner. "Y/n L/n, status: Senior. Access granted." 'Wow they have some pretty high tech things around here' I thought. I climb up the stairs to floor B, and walk down to my locker. 'C 5396' I remember. I walked down the hall until I finally got to the locker. "Code...code..where's the code?" I whisper to myself looking through my book bag. "Hey Y/n!" America practically screamed in my ear, "Hey! Ouch that hurt!" I yell at him, turning my self at an 180 degree angle and slap him. "Ouch what was that for?!" "For scaring me!" We both laugh it off as I finish putting my stuff into the locker.

It was before school so we were able to go to the social media center, or also known as a library, and socialize. "Hey Y/n how was your trip to France?" Ukraine and Japan asked while we walked over to a couch and some chairs . "Oh it was so delightful! The music, the art, the dancing! I wish I could stay there more!" I start to twirl around until I became dizzy and landed on the couch. We all laughed and joked about how I was taken over by love. I already knew this year was going to be great!

Germany's POV (:0):

'That girl, I think her name was Y/n, she was a beautiful girl' I thought as I walked with my friends to the front door of the High School. I grabbed my idea out of my pocket of my uniform and placed it in front of the scanner "Germany, status: senior, access granted." The scanner beeped. I really wonder how they made this place so high tech, I heard it was Japan's mother who makes high tech material so I'll ask her. I walked up to Floor B and to my locker C 5397. I gather up my stuff and place it into the locker. I looked down at my watch and- '8:20!! I'm going to be late!' I thought as I picked up my book bag and sprinted down the hall to my first class room, History.

I sit down waiting for my name to be called for attendance. History is a nightmare when you get made fun of because your parents and their grandparents started or joined in on the world wars. I wish people could see that im a friendly person and would never hurt anyone or anything. "Germany....Germany!..DEUTSCHLAND!" Yelled the teacher, NATO. "Sorry Mr. NATO, I'm present" I muttered, getting stared from everyone. Out of nowhere everyone started laughing and calling me names. I just want to cry but I hold the urge. I felt my eyes stinging a little bit and start to blur making everything harder to see. I quickly glance around the room to make it seem like I don't notice them, until I noticed her, Y/n. I felt.. happy? I don't know what I felt but seeing her here made me feel like I had butterflies in my stomach.

Time Skip

Finally that class is over and it's break. I start to walk down to my locker to get my book to read before I got interrupted by someone, Y/n. I turn around and wave at her, hiding my blushing cheeks with my books in hand. "H-hallo Y/n, how are you?" "Hey Germany! I'm doing good thanks for asking, yeah I'm sorry about what happened earlier today in history, I zone out too sometimes" she giggled.
'Aww her cute giggle is so adorable, wait what am I think Deutschland stop!' I thought to myself not noticing that she was calling out for me "Germany you're zoning out again!" "Heh, I'm sorry" I chuckle while looking down at the ground covering my face with my books. "Anyway I will see you later at break, bye!" "Bye!" I wave back at her as she skips down the hallway with Ukraine and Japan.

Isn't she adorable.

Hey guys this is my first story so I hope you guys like it! Love you all!

Word count: 1159

~My Little Flower~ (Countryhumans Germany x Reader) ⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now