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Warning: a bit of swearing

Germany's POV

'Finally it's break I just can't wait to go meet up with Y/N' I thought to myself, walking down to my locker. Finally first period is over and I get to put these heavy books away and relax. I go to the teachers lounge to wash my glasses. I don't know why but they have a sensitive thing about people and glasses, it's strange. I turn around and notice Y/n talking to the teachers. 'She is so smart' I sighed, getting up and walking out of the room. "Oh hey Deutschland!" Y/n called out running up to me. "H-hey-"yeah hey Douche land" I stare at the tall masculine figure. I start hyperventilating and start shaking all over. 'Oh no..' I thought.

Y/n's POV

Oh that does it! Who does he think he is? Running around and bulling people. I grab my backpack off from my shoulder and sling it at him. "Pick on someone your own size!" I yell as it hits him square in the face. "That's what you get North Korea!" He stumbles to the ground while everyone laughs including me and Germany. "Come on Germany, lets go to the media room" "o-oh alright."

Time Skip (setting: media room)

3rd persons POV

"-and then when he got close up to the cake, I smashed his head right into it making pieces of chocolate go everywhere!" The two laughed the whole break, telling funny stories and acting them out. The two had such a great bond with each other that nothing could break it, or not yet. "Hey Y/n, so do you want to go to Rosetta park after school?" Germany said with a small tint of blush that was barely noticeable. "Why of course! I'd love to go." Right before Y/n could say anything the bell rang it and break was now over. "I'll see you later Germany!" Y/n waved as she picked up her books and ran off to her second period while on the other hand Germany just sat still in the couch and zoned out, thinking about what they would do at the park.

Germany's POV

'That's it! I'll tell her how I feel! Wait wait wait but isn't it to early for that I mean wayyyyy to early for that? We just met today and now I'm already head over heels for her!' I kept thinking when I should tell her my love that I didn't even noticed that the bell rang. '"Oh shoot!" I yelled, picking up my books and running down to my second period. 'Yes math! I love math' I excitedly skipped through the room and sat down in the front seat. 'Come on Germany get your shit together! Everyone is going to think your gay or that your still in kindergarten, act your age!" I scolded myself, I really need to stop skipping down Hall ways, I'm not a kid anymore.

Time Skip
3rd person POV

Mr. ASEAN was folding papers on the desk while the students were doing their algebra test. Germany forgot that there was a test, but like always, he understood what was on the test. While Y/n was in P.E. Having a dance unit for some reason? I don't know (R.I.P. the wall). Germany had finished his test, being the first one and Y/n was now getting paired up with some other classmates to dance with.

Y/n's POV

'Ugh I hate dancing! Why do I have to dance with the guy I hate the most! North Korea! You know what I might regret this but' without thinking I went up to North Korea and said, "I'm sorry but I'm lesbian and I don't feel comfortable dancing with you" North Korea stared at me in shock while everyone gasped and turned around. I turn my head and awkwardly waved my hand. "Heh so um...hi?" After that everyone started whispering and by that I felt like I was on the verge of tears. The teacher thankfully came and helped out with the situation and I got to stay out of the unit.

3rd person POV
"Can this day get any worse!" Germany and Y/n said in sync.

Sorry for the short chapter I was kinda in a rush but I hope you guys like it!

Words: 730

~My Little Flower~ (Countryhumans Germany x Reader) ⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now