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Chapter Seven
'The 7th Sense'

"Is there anything I can do?"
"No, absolutely not, I just need you to stand there an bE A NUISANCE, YES GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE."

    AFTER THE EVENTS of the bonfire party, it was safe to say that River was not happy in any way, shape, or form

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AFTER THE EVENTS of the bonfire party, it was safe to say that River was not happy in any way, shape, or form.

The more supernatural creatures that lived in one area means that there is a higher chance someone screws up. And if one vampire screws up and reveals their secret to the rest of the town? It forces all of the others to go into high alert.

The vampire River encountered in the forest was her biggest issue at the moment. He seemed reckless, not afraid of confrontation or being caught. Recklessness gets people killed, she knows this from experience.

"Are you sure that the vampire you saw wasn't Stefan?" Cove asked the next day as they walked into school, looking hesitantly around at the students.

"No Cove, god. You're really looking for a reason to kill him, huh?" River rolled her eyes, walking quickly towards the direction of their lockers, "he had black hair and blue eyes. That's all I know!"

Cove sighed, leaning against his locker as River rummaged through her own, "I'm just worried about you, Riv."

"And there's no reason to be," River smiled, beginning to walk down the hall once again, "I can take care of myself."

Walking down the hall, Cove began to speak louder, in a more worried tone, "You almost got attacked, Riv! He could have hurt you or worse!"

"I'm very capable of taking care of myself, Cove!" River shot back, opening the door to their classroom, "and I don't think I would have gotten hurt. He doesn't seem to be older than at least 400 years."

Cove sighed, entering the room and sitting down, unaware to the eyes following him from the hallway.


River almost screamed when Caroline called her over to their little girl talk. Actually, I think she did scream.

School had been let out and River had gone for a walk but she didn't expect to run into Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena.

Sitting down in the only empty chair next to Bonnie, River put on her best smile, "Hey guys! What's up? Elena looks a little distressed."

"We're trying to make Elena tell us all of the juicy details of her and Stefan's relationship," Caroline smirked, turning towards Elena, "so? Elena?"

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