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"You scared me." I said in a sigh of relief. I thought she was Josh.

"Are you really pregnant?" Tay shut the door and came over towards me. "How far long?"

"I'm not sure." I looked at her and sat down on the bed. I thought about Josh and I and how much we weren't on good terms. About his life and how he was just starting off his career too, I didn't wanna hold him back. With my job it was no problem.

"I'm guessing it's Josh's?" I nodded my head and she came and sat down next to me. "How are you gonna tell him?"

"I'm not sure right now, but I know I should go find out how far I am."

"Yeah let's go down to the doctors office on campus."

We got ready and left out, heading down to the doctors. Tay grabbed my arm and looked at me. "Everything will be fine. By the way I got the job too, at Frame."

"That's good! That means we'll be working together!" I jumped up and hugged her.

"Okay Liyah plus one calm your ass down." She said laughing helping me down off of her. She was the only person I had I could say was my best friend, unlike the others she never played the two faced roll or judged me all the time.


We walked into the doctors office and they took me right away since no one else was in there.

"This is going to be a little cold." The doctor said putting the cold blue gel on my tummy. I did notice my belly was kind of poked out. She rubbed it in and placed the device on my tummy and looked at my baby.

"Seems like you're about two months." She said looking at the screen. I thought about those two times Josh and I didn't use protection, which was about two months ago. He was the only one I been with since I got here anyways.

"It could be a girl, since we don't see any evidence so far of it being a boy. But I wouldn't be too sure it takes time." She said looking at me. "How about the father?"

"Yeah, I'll have to tell him." I said looking at Tay and the nurse smiled.

"That's good! Now let me write you out a prescription for vitamins and other things you may need to take." She left out the room, and my tears started to flow.

"How am I gonna tell him this? He's with Naomi and happy now and his career is about to launch. He picked her over me theres nothing I can do and I'm not forcing a baby on him just so he could be with me."

"I can't tell you what to do Liyah, but you should tell him. He helped do this oh well if their relationship comes to an end."

"I can do it on my own. My mom did it on her own with me, I know I could. The job I just landed I'd be good with just me and her."

"But what if she wants to meet him? Will it look bad if you wait to tell him or would it look bad if you tell him now?"

"Both, to be honest. But now wouldn't be too bad as later. Unless he just never finds out." I said wiping the gel off my belly and fixing my shirt. "I guess I'll try and tell him. On my own."

"Good. Never know until you try." Tay said grabbing her bag and walking out the room with me. I got the prescription from the doctor and we left out. We walked around campus for a little while and got some food. After we went and sat in the bleachers of the football stadium where the football team was practicing. I looked at all of them only to see Josh, I caught him at the same time he was staring at me.

"Maybe when their done this can be your chance?" Tay said looking at me. I was unsure but I know I had to face it at some point.

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