Fire to the Rope

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A/N: The disclaimer still applies. You will figure out what the title means

I woke up in Olympus. They looked VERY angry like they had just found out about Kronos claiming victory over them. VERY MAD.

I stood up ready to ask why I was there but someone beat me to talking. Surprisingly it wasn't Drama Queen (Zeus). It was my father (Poseidon).


I was bombarded with emotions. Anger, sadness, confusion. What are they talking about? I killed Gaea, not them. I was about to talk back till he interrupted me again.

"You have no right to say anything. I will be disowning you and you will not be allowed to return to our camp. It is not for traitors. We will send you and your few belongings to your mother's house. Have fun you disgrace." he spat.

I was MAD, but I went out cold when Zeus snapped. Of course I had a nightmare.

I was in a place that was too familiar. Tartarus.

He spoke, " Did you enjoy my gift? Because you killed my wife, I cursed you to be seen as a traitor to everyone. It will ware off in a little, but when it does... everyone who banished you will break with sorrow. I must get going. You will find my other gift very soon. Bye bye."

I woke up with clenched fists in Mom's apartment just like they told me, but something was off. I couldn't shake the treacherous feeling that swirled in me nightmare.

I got up and walked into the living room. The room reeked and the black carpet was wet. I just barely avoided a flashback thinking about how Percy and I were train reck and would always spill something so mom got black carpet. One of the good memories I had.

I froze Paul was stabbed, but he was reaching for the door. He was going to leave my mom and his wife!!(Sally and Paul are married.)

He got of WAY better than Mom. She was pregnant and now someone, or something, carved the baby out with a knife. Her name was going to be Winter Everette Blofis. I loved that name.

I don't remember breaking down, just wishing I could, but there was nobody to see me. I shattered. I cried for a WHILE.

My sanity feels like a rope that was just soaked in kerosene. Now, the Fates have always been terrible, but they just struck a match and lit that bad baby up.

A/N: How was that? If there is ANYBODY who is reading this, thank you so much. 😊

Echo ( Percy Jackson's sister meets The Avengers) discontenuedWhere stories live. Discover now