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We chased her for a while, but every time we came close to catching her, she would escape. Director Eye-Patch met with us on the Helicarier.

Fury, boy he was, well furious. He told us "I don't want to hear from you disappointments till she is in your tower!!" , then Pepper called me saying there was a family emergency and the cops needed me, so I took this opportunity to GET OUT OF THERE.

As I sprinted out I heard Fury yell some naughty words. I jumped off with my suit on and found Pepper in my, wait no our tower. I smiled and walked up to her. "Hey, thanks for getting me out of there."

"Tony Stark!! This is serious!! Your sister, SallyJackson, was murdered! Your mom never knew about her cause your father only wanted 1 kid. A smart son who could take over the business so she was sent away into foster care. She had a biological son who's father is unknown. He died recently. She adopted a daughter who has NO records but has been seen too close to too many major explosions to be considered halfway innocent. She has had two husbands. We don't know anything after that."

Well this was interesting. I went down to the police station because they needed me to tell them if I knew anyone who would want to kill them. There were no leads or prints so they were going to close the case.

They wanted me to take in the daughter in my custody. I of course said yes because I was fascinated how much trouble she was. Then I got to thinking, Sally Jackson had a son Jackson. Percy Jackson! Sister... that girl in the tornado picture with him! Both girls didn't have a file! Now I HAD to find her.

I called the rest of the Avengers and told them my news.

Steve's POV:

I was not happy about capturing a kid. I refused at first, but then I saw a record of explosions she had all been too close to. She was a criminal. Tony said she was kind of his niece and he explained that whole story. Nat being a spy put more pieces together and suggested she was in Hollywood, because we had a picture of her there and there have been 3 more sightings there within the past 2 years. We all agreed and had 2 hours to pack up and then we would leave.

Echo ( Percy Jackson's sister meets The Avengers) discontenuedWhere stories live. Discover now