Forget what chapter this is

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HEY. So I know I said I'd be updating regularly, but it'll be like every weekend or wendesday or whenever I get to it, ok? I didn't think people actually would read this, like I was scrolling through comments and people were saying "please update", "Last updated: whatever time and last read: whatever time " and at the end they were like "please update". This seriously modivates me to write more often, thanks guys for the support and shit, writing is what I like to do and here's another chapter for you. :]

Bakugou's POV

It's been a day since that shitty incident with Deku disappearing and talking with that weird and boney man. He was off... it was like maybe he knew Deku. Maybe he did.... whatever, now wasn't the time to have my mind wander. 

"Katsuki, honey I finished making dinner, get your ass down here!", I heard my mom call. I got out of bed, opening my bedroom door and heading down the hallway. There was a picture of me and Izuku on the hall of the hallway. I ignored it though, no matter how much it bothered me to pass that picture of us in our stupid matching All Might onsies every day. I walked down the stairs and dragged my feet into the kitchen, my mom looking at me with a face of disappointment and anger. She had her hands on her hips and was tapping her foot, standing by the kitchen table, the plate of foot steaming. Yum. I walked passed my mom and I could hear her make a sound of confusion, usually we spoke to eachother when I took my sweet ass time coming downstairs. Well- more like yelled at eachother, but I was giving everyone the silent treatment since... since...- "Katsuki.", I heard my mother's voice. 

"What?", I sat down in front of my plate at the table and she walks over to me. 

"Inko called, the police are investigating Izuku's disappearance. Uhm... eat your dinner, we're going over to her house.", I nearly spit out my food. Why were we going to his place!? We didn't have to go there, I didn't want  to go there! Why would I?! His place is kinda small anyways, I hate just sitting in his living room, it's so- cramped! I almost slammed my fists on the table, but refrained from doing so, knowing I'd get my old hag mad again. I looked at her with a look in my eyes. No- the  look in my eyes- the "I don't wanna do this" kind of look. She sighs.

"I'm not letting you mope around the house. First off, you haven't been out of your room unless you're eating, and even then- you barely touch your plate, second off, you barely speak and you used to yell a lot, and third off, you don't have a choice, get dressed, we're going.", my mom turns around and turns off the oven, walking out of the kitchen and probably up to the bathroom to fix her stupid hair. This whole situation is so shitty! I don't want to deal with a crying old woman, I don't care if she's Deku's mom or my mom's uncle! I don't wanna see anyone! I stand up, shoving my chair onto the floor. I stomp my way up the stairs and up to my room, slamming the door shut.

"I'm not going!", I back up and sit on my bed. I'm not going, it's final. That old hag can go herself, she's apparently ready to deal with this bullshit-

"Okay... don't burn the house down while I'm gone.", -what? Did she just-? No arguement? No "Brat, you're going whether you like it or not!" ? Nothing? Just "okay" ? That's... weird. Before I could question her though, I hear the front door close and the house goes silent. Thank god my stupid dad was on a business trip, that way I don't have to put up with his bullshit too. God, I sound like a stereotypical, problematic teenager. I cross my arms and huff, pulling out my phone. I start texting my "friends" from school, but I don't get a reply. Maybe they're hanging out without me. Whatever, they aren't cut out to be heroes anyways, I don't like them. They suck ass. I get up and head to downstairs, figuring I'll just take a walk, even though it's like six in the evening. I don't give a shit, I'm 16. I walk outside and lock the door, putting the key to the house under the welcome mat. It's an obvious spot, but my mom came up with it, not me.

I kick a rock as I walk down the sidewalk, taking a turn onto a neighborhood that's mostly quiet. No one really goes outside, probably cause everyone here is pretty much over the age of 60. I kick another rock, but this time it doesn't make the tapping sound it makes when it hits the sidewalk again. I look up, my eyes widening in complete and utter shock. 



I was wrong, but that doesn't make you right. (dekubaku)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang