The symbiote, to a note

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The symbiote, to a brief note
What is a symbiote  you say? Well, it's a semi-liquid like organism that bonds in order to survive. When it bonds it usually take shape of the host (to a point).

In this part, I am only going to talk about the symbiote itself.

It's ooze like, but its alive and able to move, but not really fast. Its able to change texture from if self and color. To do this, it would need to have a complicated brain. An example of why is the cuttlefish. The cuttlefish is from the octopus family. It is able to change its color to and a texture(only by a little bit) to camouflage against predators. This is only possible because of there complicated brains. Other octopus can do this too. Also, the brain reasoning of mine could be why symbiotes are able to take over minds, or influence easily. In the comics, the symbiote flows around and tendrils ( tendrils, or what others call "tentacles" are what people call the things that symbiotes little "arms" that the symbiote forms to grab and bond onto a host, also some times used for transportation) come out only when it attempts to bond with a host. Different, the symbiote in "Spiderman 3" more crawls using multiple "legs" to pull its self. I think both is okay. In both the symbiote is shiny like latex both when bonded or by itself.

Is it warm or cool, thick or liquid like?

Fan fiction writers write differently of what it is, but it basically comes to the categories that are above. Why it is warm can be since all that is alive(for mammals and such) except the coldblooded,are warm to the skin. For being cold it could be that its sensitive to heat, a weakness of the symbiote(later explained). My opinion would be warm. Thick (like pudding) or liquid (like water) like is kinda the same thing, so I'll just explain. The symbiote is only semi-liquid because of it having the characteristics of both. If it was all liquid like it would be easy to break from it when it attempts to bond, and tendrils would be harder to form. If it was all thick, or even solid, then it probably wouldn't be liquid, more like some soft thing that couldn't be flexible or liquidy enough to be able to bond. This can pertain to a slimopathic liquid, which becomes solid when handled quickly, and liquid when slowly like cornstarch and water, which could explain a lot(thx SAmaster). What are they, for real? You have to decide.


Symbiotes are sensitive to great heat and sound, which is both displayed in the movie in comics. I don know how, but some say its because to the seeds in them; what are used to spawn (give birth) to symbiotes (they can usually only spawn one, but they have more than one seed) speaking about spawning, the spawned symbiote usually are stronger in some attributes than the parent. This sometimes is why the parent despises its young due to competition.

How does is talk?

The symbiote is a bit telepic- has psychic powers to a point. I was thinking that it has to reach the mind, but I guess this is ok too. I found this info at some point. I guess it can talk to you just by touching. Eh, so may opinions. i found out its kinda both. Go figure.

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