Super Strength explanation

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Explaining Super strength and such

From the last ones I written, like how the symbiote bonds by using tendrils and getting to the brain to do such things, and how the host in symbiote form is skintight, along with some extras that appeal to the body very tightly, even to the butt crack (erm...) and adding to the build sometimes or having weapons. For this one I want to explain how the symbiote is a able to have superhuman strength and agility, and maybe some extras.

Starting with super strength

When in the symbiote form, the symbiote is all over the skin. The symbiote is also connected to the mind. Basically the mind with the symbiote is basically the "bonded" state. When doing so the minds are able to act upon each other. So how does the super strength go to such? Think of it this way. The symbiote when bonded to something must have great strength of sorts. Pulling would probably be its main thing that it would be best in strength, rather than pushing. So, if that "pulling" was used along with the hosts muscle pattern, then it should be able to do a "super human strength" that is shown in the comics. But how does it do those actions in time? Since the symbiote is connected to the thoughts, then it could do the actions as fast as how the human mind would send the messages to the muscles to do so. So you can say that the symbiote on the skin can act as a "second set of nerves"(nerves are what the body does to make muscles react). So if they can act like extra "muscles", then this could explain how the hair is able to be used if covered. This can maybe also explain how any usually immovable parts of the body like the hair and the extra "limbs" I stated in earlier deviantations.

Enhanced Agility

For enhanced agility to also happen, The symbiote's reaction must be more faster than the host itself to have higher agility and speed, maybe because of reading the signals of the brain to the muscles before they get to them. Since probably the symbiote doesn't have much fear to falling or extreme stunts, it is capable to do gymnastic moves like flips easily when combined with the stuff I said earlier. I'm guessing this is done from the symbiote studing the muscle layout and what has to be moved to do such stunts, most of them probably found out in the host's mind.

So, why muscles there when there is super strength?

Well, using the extra symbiote mass, (I'm not sure, but it looks like the strength of a symbiote is based on how much mass it has itself) it sometimes changes it to increase the build of the host. Why do it when you have super human strength? Its because like muscles,it has extra pulling power (the "skin" vs. the "muscle", the muscle would have a bit more power) so the hosts agility and strength would be increased very greatly. It's questionable whether it would or not develop them to the host. Its kinda out there or it's the symbiote's (and maybe the host's) choice.

Bonding to the cells

Sometimes the symbiote would bond to the cells. When this happens, The host is able to manipulate its mass (like changing a whole limb into a blade) while able to sustain his/her appearance and such (unless changing identity, it is able to change the stature and description). This is because of both organisms attributes. Still, if not the user is still able to do such things by having the symbiote do Things that look like shape shifting, though not since it is happening away from the body, not the body itself (grow a blade from the limb) This does not exactly relate to how strongly bonded to a host is, however (explained in later deviantations)


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