20 - Love in the Air

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"I should go." Momo whispered. Sana clung to Momo's body, not wanting to get up at all. "Sana." Momo smiled.

"No... Stay the night." She pleaded.

"I have work tomorrow.." Momo frowned.

"Please don't go... I don't sleep when there is no one here." Sana admitted. Momo sighed, giving in to her pleadings.

She wrapped her arms around Sana's waist hugging her tighter. Sana smiled, snuggling her face into Momo's neck.

"I love you." Sana whispered, pressing her lips against Momo's neck. The dull pain she had been feeling had finally subsided, and she felt content. Momo was shocked, but felt a warm feeling in her chest.

"I love you too Satang." She whispered.

The two stayed together, both of them silent and just enjoying each other's company. Momo was content just holding her, the warm feeling in her chest still staying as she absentmindedly rubbed circles on Sana's arm. She couldn't help but think of a future with the girl. Both of them were twenty-five, it was about time for both of them to start settling down. She didn't want to rush anything either. They were just giving this a try. Testing their waters to see if everything would feel right. To her, they did, but she didn't know how she felt... So she couldn't just assume. 

"Momorin..." Sana mumbled. 

"Hm?" Momo looked down, seeing that she was just mumbling in her sleep at this point. She had a smile plastered on the face, Sana was the best thing to ever happen to her. 

The next morning both were awake early. Momo to catch a bus back to her apartment to change, Sana just to get ready for work. As they enjoyed their little breakfast together, both of them looked up to see Sooyoung walking in. 

"I'm guessing everything went well?" Sana smirked at her. 

"Let's just say I'm lucky I'm off today." She mumbled. "But I could say the same for you." She smirked while pointing her finger at Momo. Sana rolled her eyes and looked back at her mug of coffee. 

"I changed the sheets! You're welcome!" Sana shouted at her. 

"Thank you!" Sooyoung sang with a laugh. 

"So... You guys just casually live together now?" Momo asked quietly. 

"I tried moving out a while ago... But both of us kinda just... silently agreed that wouldn't happen. Besides, we help each other." Sana shrugged before taking a sip of her coffee. Momo nodded, a little uncomfortable with the situation. "Don't worry, nothing happens." Sana smiled. "The most is her kicking me in her sleep." She chuckled. 

"Don't let her lie to you." Both girls looked up to see Sooyoung walking into the kitchen wearing new clothes and her hair tied up in a messy bun. "She's very persuasive." 

"What?" Momo frowned.

"She always wakes me in the middle of the night, demanding I hold her because she's cold." She groaned. "You could always get up and shut the window. You're the one who opens it." She pointed at Sana before opening the fridge. 

"But then it's too hot." Sana frowned at her. 

Momo sat at work, waiting for her next back of children to walk in. Yeah, she was only supposed to teach them for a week as a probation, but she ended up liking them. Yes, they were endless amounts of energy, but she was able to channel it into something creative for them. 

"You look tired." Momo looked up to see another instructor, one for the more advanced classes. 

"Just stayed up a little late." Momo shrugged it off, scrolling on her phone. 

"Ah." The girl took a seat next to her at the table, watching as a few people walked out. 

"Byul, how long have you been with your soulmate?" Momo finally asked. Byul shrugged her shoulders, checking her phone. 

"Feels like forever..." She chuckled. "Maybe... Five? Seven?" She laughed. "Why? Haven't found yours yet?" She asked. 

"No.. I found her... I just..." Momo sighed. "Her roommate... She's dated her before... And... They still live together." Momo frowned. "It worries me." She hated feeling insecure, and she wanted to trust Sana, but she had cheated in a relationship before. Granted it was on Sooyoung and with her, but... She couldn't help it. 

"Ah." Byul set her phone down, her hands rubbing themselves together. "I don't have any answers.. But advice." She pointed at Momo. "You are bonded with her for a reason. No matter what happened between her and her roommate, it doesn't matter. She's yours, and you are hers." She explained. "Yes, there may have been some chemistry there, heck, there still might be." She shrugged. "But you just have to trust in your heart, that your soulmate would never do anything to hurt you, or break that bond you two share." She explained. 

Momo felt a little better, hearing someone else's point of view on the whole thing. She was still worried, but not as much now. 

Sana couldn't help but laugh when she saw Joohyun walk in late. The older girl shot her a glare, but ended up laughing when she passed the glass door. By the time lunch had hit, Joohyun was sitting in Sana's office talking about their night. 

"She's something else Sana." Joohyun sighed. "And you didn't tell me she was your age." She laughed. 

"Well, what did you expect? Someone older?" Sana scoffed. Joohyun shrugged her shoulders, not sure what to expect really. "She couldn't stop talking about you this morning." Sana smiled, causing Joohyun to blush slightly. 

"She met my daughter last night." She sighed. 

"First date and you introduced the daughter?" Sana had almost choked on her sandwich. 

"It wasn't planned." She rolled her eyes. "My sitter dropped her off early... And she handled it well." She smiled. "She was talking to her... Asking her questions... Genuinely interested in her little life." Joohyun explained. Sana smiled, her warning had helped. She didn't know what would've happened if she hadn't said that she had a kid. But she was glad. 

"Second date?" Sana smiled at her. 

"Oh yes." 

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