27 - I Do

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The two got married that winter, a small ceremony. Family and close friends only. Sana's parents were there, her dad putting aside his disappointment with her and being happy for her.

Both girls were nearly in tears with each other at the altar.

"And you two have prepared a little something?" The priest smiled at them.

"Yes." Momo looked back at her sister who handed her the folded paper. Sana looked back at Jihyo, who took the paper from Dahyun and handed it to her.

"Do you want to go first?" Sana asked.

"Okay." Momo took a breath and looked back at her sister for support. Sana took her hand, squeezing it gently. "Sana.. I was so shocked when you said yes. It was like my heart had overflown with emotion that I just couldn't process anything." She smiled. "In this crazy world of finding soulmates, I was so lucky that my soulmate is my best friend in the entire world. We've been through so much, the good times of finishing with our house, the bad times of funerals and boring corporate dinners, and the ugly times of peeling." Momo could feel the tears building as she continued. "Even though we had both lost each other, we were able to reconnect, making our bond stronger than ever. I love you so much, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Sana was in tears, she wiped them away, trying to stay calm enough to read her own little note.

"Momo... The love of my life." Sana smiled. "I always felt like there was something missing in my life before I had met you. You gave my life a whole new meaning, giving me a whole new light in my life. You made everything so much more fun. Teaching me that it was okay to have fun every once in a while."she trembled slightly as she read from her paper. "Even in my hardships, you were always there. Supporting me. Even when I wasn't with you, you wished for my happiness, my health, everything. I could have never asked for anyone else in my life. You are my best friend in the entire world. From laughing at my jokes, to comforting me in every way possible." Sana looked up at Momo, who was silently crying. "I love you with my entire heart and soul." She whispered.

The two stood together, both still silently crying tears of happiness as they continued the ceremony. Sana only heard little pieces here and there, she felt a small pain forming in the back of her head. She didn't pay much mind to it, trying to focus on everything in front of her.

"I do." She heard Momo's voice, pulling her slowly back. Sana blinked away a few tears, after a few times, she was slowly starting to see some colors coming back to her. She felt a small squeeze on her hands, she looked up to see everyone waiting. "Sana..."

"Do you take Momo as your lawfully wedded wife? For better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" The priest asked again.

"I do." Sana smiled.

Sana had stayed quiet, taking in everything that was going on around her. She could see so many colors, it was a lot to take in for herself.

"You okay?" Momo whispered when they finally had a moment to themselves. She reached up and wiped a stray tear off of her cheek.

"I'm just trying to process all of the colors." She whispered. "It's a lot to handle right now." She smiled. Momo let out a small gasp, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"What color is this?" Momo smiled while pointing at the vase on the table.

"Blue." Sana smiled. "Powder blue." She giggled.

The two made their rounds, talking with so many people they could barely keep their heads on. Momo spent most of her time talking with Mina, mainly because she felt like family to her.

"Yeah, we decided to adopt. The process is lengthy though." Mina frowned.

"You two are going to be the best parents." Momo smiled.

"Have you guys discussed it?" Her best friend asked. Momo shrugged her shoulders, the topic had never came up. The only thing they both took care of was Miku their cat and each other. They had the qualities, but neither one seemed ready. She turned her head, seeing Sana hugging one of her old friends tightly. A smile appearing on her face, laughing as she talked with them.

"I think we might. Just not right away." Momo answered.

It was late when they arrived back home. Miku greeting them, meowing until he was picked up.

"God today was a whirlwind of everything." Sana sighed.

"Yes it was." Momo immediately went into their bedroom taking off her dress and throwni to the corner of the room. "Oh freedom!" She stretches her arms over her head, letting out a small groan before reaching for her sweatpants.

"Momo!! You don't just throw your dress in the corner of the room like you don't care about it!!" Sana shouted at her.

"But I don't." Momo whined.

"You do." Sana sighed while hanging the dress up. She slid out of her wedding dress, hanging it next to Momo's. After changing into her pyjamas, she climbed in the bed next to her wife, cuddling into her side.

"What color are the walks?" Momo smiled at her.

"Cream." Sana chuckled.

"I'm so happy you can see color now." She whispered.

"Me too." Sana whispered.

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