Chapter 2

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Originally published on 21/6/19 on the account StormAfton102603

You sigh in defeat at the memory of three days ago, causing your mom to begin talking to you.
"You're 16 now, *Name*! You should have seen this coming." You sigh again.
"Yeah. But I'd rather be working somewhere else than Freddy's! Why here?!" Now it's your mom's turn to sigh.

"Look, *Name*, you loved it here and I thought that you should work at a place you loved being in at one point in your life. Do you understand my thinking."
"No!" She sighs again.

"*Name* *Middle Name* *Last Name*" Uh oh.
She used your full name! "If you keep trying to get out of this job, I will take away all of your electronics and not let you out of the house unless it's for school!" You start to drink your coffee while your mom drives you to Freddy's, her more excited than you are.

You were wearing the same uniform as your waitress from Wednesday: purple shirt and pants, black shoes, and a gold badge that will serve as your name tag.
Your first day of work is on a Saturday and you had to wake up at 6 AM to get there by 9 AM.
You're just glad your mom bought you a coffee from Dunkin Donuts.

You arrive at Freddy's exactly one minute before your shift is set to begin.
"Have a good day, don't get fired on your first day, and I'll see you later, *Name*!" She grabs your empty coffee cup and drives off.
You're wide awake now, anyway. You walk inside and you're instantly met with a fluffy brown chest.

"Hi, Freddy." Your greeting is muffled by his chest and he laughs.
"Hello again, *Name*!" Him, Storm, and Chica all greet you enthusiastically.
"Hi, guys!" You greet them, clearly way less enthusiastic than them.
That and you're still at your mom for waking you up at 6 AM!

"*Name*, we need you in Pirate Cove today. It's easy." You finally get to talk to Foxy!
Him and Freddy were always your favorites.
"Really?!" You ask incredulously, causing the blunette to laugh while nodding.
"You're just the waitress in there today but next time you're in there, you may or may not be doing something different." Now it's your turn to laugh.

"Where be me first mate, lads and lasses?" Storm had just taken a sip of her iced tea when Foxy asked about his first mate, causing her to start choking on it and cough like hell.
"ALICE!" The noirette from Wednesday runs over and goes into the bathroom, carrying a female pirate costume.
You guess that's the costume for the first mate and Alice is the first mate.
"TODAY'S MY LAST SHOW! CHILL OUT, STORM!" You look at the blunette as she sighs, clearly tired and annoyed.

"Did this happen before?" She nods.
"She forgot to get in costume and get on stage a lot of times. We even complained about it to Mr. Sarkozi. That's why today is her last show and she'll be a waitress for the rest of her career here at Freddy's." Your mouth forms an 'o' and you nod your head.

"Who's taking over for her?" Storm shrugs.
"Not sure yet. It could be anyone." You nod in understanding. "Now I'm getting these two on stage with BONNIE GET ON THE STAGE!" You turn around to be met with the purple bunny animatronic. He looks around and looks right at you.

"You must be *Name* then, pretty lady~" You blush a little at the compliment.
"Sure am, Bonnie!" You smile.
"I'll see you again when you're in the main room for your shift tomorrow, *Name*."
"See you there, Bonnie. Now, as Storm so kindly yelled, get on the stage! That goes for you two as well!" You point at Freddy and Chica who follow Bonnie to the stage for their show.

You head into Pirate Cove for your shift there.
You have to take people's orders and keep an eye on the kids.
Sounds simple right?
You thought so until you saw the kids acting like your little brother when he loses a game.
'This is gonna be harder than I thought.' You think, not noticing that Foxy got off the stage to calm the kids down and running right into him, going face-first into his chest.

"I need to stop meeting you guys like this." You laugh into him.
"It be alright," He reads your name tag. "*Name*. That be a beauty of a name."
"Freddy said the same thing on Wednesday!" He laughs.
"He be correct, lass! Yer name and ye yerself be a true treasure to have." You blush a little, not used to this from anyone or anything.
"Thank ye, captain. Yer compliment be appreciated." He looks at you in awe.

"Yer welcome, lass." He walks away and coralls the kids for you to calm down. "Ye look like ye needed the help from yer captain."
"Thank ye, captain." You walk over and get to work on calming the kids down, still thinking about Foxy and his need of a first mate.
'Maybe,' You think. 'Maybe I could be his first mate.'

Top of the morning to ya laddies! My name is Storm and I don't care that it isn't morning but I just wanted to say that. I foreshadowed something at the end there. That's the only hint I'm giving you. Anyways, DOUBLE UPDATE, LADS AND LASSES! This hasn't happened in a long time! How do you like that?

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