Chapter 3

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Originally published on 21/6/19 on the account StormAfton102603

You walked around Pirate Cove, taking people's orders and watching over the kids, when Mr. Sarkozi walked over to you with a boy you never met before.
He wore a blue version of your purple uniform but kept the gold name tag.
"Hello, miss *Last Name*! This is our security guard, James." James smiles and eyes you all over.

"You're a true beauty, *Name*." How-?
"How do you know my name?"
"I overheard you, Storm, and the animatronics talking and caught your name that way." You look at James in concern and confusion.
"He always does that just for names." Oh that makes perfect sense. Not! "I'm sorry if it confused you but it's just how he rolls." You sigh.
"I'm still confused as heck but OK." James laughs a little.

"I only came to say hello! I'll see you during the week, *Name*." James seriously creeped you out (And for good reason!) and you don't know why.
You wrote it off as just a feeling and not a gut feeling.
'Something seems off about him.' You think as he walks out of the pizzeria and you return to your shift.


"*Name*, I need you to help lock up for the night on Thursday." You look at Mr. Sarkozi confused.
"Who am I helping?" The man sighs.
"One of our best employees, Loveshard." What is it with these crazy names?
"I can do that, sir! How do I do that?" Mr. Sarkozi laughs.
"It's simple. Just watch her and you'll know exactly what to do." You nod in understanding. "Here she is now! Loveshard, can you come over here, please?" A girl with pink hair, one pink eye and one blue (?) eye walks over to you and Mr. Sarkozi.

"Yes, Mr. Sarkozi?"
"This is *Name*. She just started today and she's helping you lock up on Thursday." You hold out your hand to Loveshard.
"Nice to meet you." You both say as you shake hands. Then you laugh.
"I better get back to Pirate Cove to finish my shift. Talk to you later, Loveshard!" You call out as you walk back towards Foxy's area, hoping to finish taking and delivering customers orders while keeping an eye on the kids before Freddy's closes for the night.

"Miss *Last Name*!" You hear Mr. Sarkozi yell out and stop, turning and facing him. "We're gonna need someone in Pirate Cove on Thursday for a special job. Are you up for it?"
"Sure am!" He laughs.

"Good. Now get back to work. Well, your shift just finished and Freddy's is closing so head on home. I'll see you on Monday." You wave goodbye to him as you head home with your mom, not wanting to admit to her or yourself that you actually enjoyed working there.
You had a great time with all of the animatronics.
Especially Foxy.
You still can't get the thought of being his first mate out of your head.


"How was your first day at Freddy's?" Kyle asks you the second you walk through the door.
"It was alright, I guess." He indulges himself back in his phone, not even caring about what your mom said she was making for dinner.
It was *Favorite Food*!

You and Kyle always loved eating it, especially when your mom made it.
"Dinner should be done by 6:00 if we're lucky." Kyle looks up at that.
"What's for dinner?" Oh now he wants to know!
"It's *Favorite Food*, Kyle." His eyes widen and he actually puts down his phone!
"I'm staying off of this until after dinner!" He declares, meaning to stick to it.
You hang out with them then go straight to bed after dinner, wanting to get sleep before tomorrow.
Tomorrow is another day.

Hello again, my lovely readers! I'm having a lot of fun writing this one and I pretty much just finished school! So that gives me more time to update this and all of my other stories! Woo-hoo!
P.S. Why do you think you get weird vibes from James?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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