Paperwork, Complications, and Questions

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Katsuki walked around the building with his mother trailing behind him. He was obviously annoyed and anyone could tell she was confused by the looks she kept throwing her son. At least, they would if anyone were there. Except for a few desk workers, the building was strangely empty. Guess not many people really need to come here, Katsuki mused. He noticed a girl wave him over to her window, the only one open in that section, and made his way over silently.

"Hello sir! How can I help you today?" The brunette chirped cheerfully.

Katsuki slid his school ID across the counter, pulled out his phone and held it so she could see the screen. "You know where I go to apply to use one of these? Damn web page said you guys do that here, but didn't say which fucking area of the building." No need to mention that he'd asked 5 people, all of which had told him completely different information that led to departments on completely different floors.

The girl stared at him, then the screen, then back at him, as if she wasn't completely sure she had heard him correctly. "Quirk Transfer Device? Did I read that right?"

"Yeah. What, can't you fucking read? Or hear?" Katsuki retorted, ignoring perhaps the most hilariously confused look that his mother had ever made.

The girl, however, laughed, scratching the back of her head. "Sorry. I'm the one in charge of that. No one's asked for one in forever though, so I thought I was imagining it. Actually I doubt I'd imagine someone so vul-." She cut herself off and cleared her throat. "I'm sorry about that. I'll just... go get the paperwork?" She offered with an uneasy grin, noticing Bakugou's glare and scrambling to go find said materials. She returned several minutes later with a large stack of papers.

"OK. Let's see if I remember how to do this," she said, skimming what seemed to be a checklist. "Interview. OK. So, first question. Who are you trying to give your Quirk to?"

"Midoriya Izuku," the boy mumbled, hoping his mother wouldn't hear.

"OK! I'll have to get his file then." The girl pulled out a phone and spoke into it quite loudly, reading the ID handed to her. "Folders on Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki, please!"

"What the fuck? You told me you hated him two days ago, you little shit! Now you're... I don't fucking know what you're doing, but it doesn't seem like hating him," Mitsuki said with a glare.

"Shut up, old hag!"

"Bit of a temper..." the brunette muttered before calling another number and ignoring the ruckus of the feuding mother and son. "Can I get background checks on..." she paused to read the ID again, "Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku please? Quickly." She hung up the phone and cleared her throat, hoping that the two blondes hadn't noticed her remark.

If they had, any retorts were avoided by another woman walking over and plopping two files on the desk. She peeked into Izuku's briefly, curious as to why the boy before her was doing this.

"He's Quirkless?"

"Yeah. Goddamn laughingstock of our middle school for thinking he can make it into U.A. and be a hero without a Quirk. He's gonna get himself fucking killed."

"Oh! Well, that's nice of you to help your friend like this then. Hopefully the background checks are quick so we can move on." She peered through Katsuki's folder.

"We're not friends. He's just fucking pathetic." Pathetic. Right. I'm doing this out of pity, right? Why else would I be? Katsuki wondered to himself.

"Oh, so you just feel bad for him and are helping him out. Makes sense. With your Quirk, you'd be a great hero."

Helping him... Yeah, maybe. He needs help from someone strong. Well, I'm gonna be number one, so he won't get better than-

Mitsuki flicked Katsuki in the forehead, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Just admit you like the boy already," she teased.

"That was when I was, what? Three? Way before I found out he was a Quirkless nobody."

The girl stopped reading the folders and giggled. "So you'd like him if he wasn't Quirkless?" She asked, winking at the boy.

"What the hell—?" He groaned. "I... don't fucking know."

"Well, you can always find out once—" The girl was cut off by another person coming and dropping off the background checks. "That was really fast."

"I was really bored," the deliverer said with a shrug before leaving. The girl paid no mind, glancing over the reports and smiling.

"Well, it looks like neither of you are villains, so I think you're good. Though..." she stared at part of Izuku's file and hesitated before speaking. "Midoriya Inko... do you know why her attempt at a Quirk transfer didn't work?"

Katsuki's eyes widened. "No," he whispered, shaking his head slightly.

The girl gave him a forced smile. "If he wasn't compatible with a family member, there's a good chance that he won't be compatible with a completely different—"

Katsuki stared at the girl. There was a good chance this would all be for nothing? Then why even bother with the paperwork? Why not forget about this completely? It's not like Deku would ever know. Everything could go back to normal and Katsuki could go back to ignoring the infuriating confusion he felt towards the boy. And yet, the blond's response betrayed him.

"I don't fucking care. Just... we won't know for sure if we don't try it. So let me fucking try." A stack of papers was pushed into Katsuki's blushing face as he wondered just what he was doing.

"Read all these, and have.... I'm assuming that's your guardian, sign the last page. Then take that page and get his mother to sign it, then bring it back."

Fire and Paper (BakuDeku Quirk Transfer AU)Where stories live. Discover now