Time Stands Still

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It only took a week for the paperwork to be handled. Mitsuki, thankfully, had managed to get Inko's signature without issue while the boys were at school, and her and Katsuki had picked up the device. And for all his determination, Katsuki couldn't help but feel as if there were a bomb, rather than a miracle, stuffed in his backpack. He had gotten to school early that day to ensure he would be the first one there. He sat at his desk, trying to write a note to Izuku.

Deku, meet me at the roof after school? No, sounds like I'm gonna fucking mug him. PLEASE meet me after school? Too desperate. Then what the hell should I Fuck this. Katsuki quickly scribbled out a note that read "Roof after school," before shoving it into Izuku's desk and storming out of the room in a mixture of exasperation and annoyance. What the fuck am I even going to say to him anyways? He thought with a groan. What if he gets the wrong idea like my old hag and that weird chick did? I don't like him. His mind flashed back to the girl's question and his face burned red. Would I like him if he had a Quirk? Wait. I'm giving him a Quirk. Is that why I'm The bell rang, snapping him out of his thoughts as he sprinted for the classroom, muttering curses under his breath.

Class was torture. He could see Deku open the note, and stare at it. Constantly. Over and over again. And look around the room. Constantly. If he wasn't so nervous, Katsuki probably would have screamed at the boy. Instead, he could barely manage to mutter a halfhearted "piss off," when he noticed Deku staring at him. Which, of course, confused the boy and caused him to stare more, much to Katsuki's annoyance.

Never had he realized how many seconds were in a school day. How many ticks a clock made in the back of a classroom as the second hand slowly makes laps around its course. How many ridiculously easy questions the teacher asked in a day. How many times Deku muttered. How many times he was picked on. Finally, the bell rang and Katsuki had never felt so much relief. Until he turned around and realized it was only lunch.

Why the hell did I say after school?! Fuck this! He thought in annoyance as he nibbled at one of his wasabi-filled rice balls, ignoring the chatter of his usual goons. Goons. Right. They usually waited for him after school.

"Hey," he said, interrupting one of them. "I've got shit to do after school today, so do me a favor and piss off."

"Huh? What are you—" One of them began, but was stopped by a combination of Katsuki's glare and the school bell.

Afternoon classes were even worse than the morning ones had been. Katsuki was far more nervous now that it was closer to time, and it seemed as if he wasn't the only one. If Deku doesn't stop fucking squirming he's gonna fall out of the goddamn chair, he thought in exasperation. How has the teacher not yelled at him yet?

"Midoriya! Please pay attention!"

"Ah! S—sorry!"

Oh, there he goes. Katsuki smirked to himself. Unfortunately, with the squeaking of the chair gone, Katsuki was back to listening to the clock. Tick tock. Tick tock. This thing's gonna make me go fucking insane, he mentally screamed, turning to glare at the clock. Only five minutes had passed since the last time he checked it. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Ugh, why am I even doing this? This is hell.

The day continued. History. Check. Math. Check. Looking at the clock a million times? Check. Katsuki couldn't remember a time he had this much trouble focusing in class. And considering how distracting Izuku's muttering could be, that was saying something. About a million years later, the bell finally rang.

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