Beautiful >> Ben Rector

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His P.O.V.

None of my friends had decided to go to the same college as me. Not a single one, despite how many times I tried to convince them, they just shrugged it off. All of them were going to the same one a few hours away, the one that I didn't get into.

Did I think it was on purpose? Yes, sometimes, but what kept me believing them when they said it wasn't true. This of course, was backed up by the fact that we had been friends since birth.
I never really experienced another group of friends in my life. I had always done the same things, with the same group, which was why going to college was worrying me. I had no idea who I would befriend, if I would befriend anyone at all.

What also worried me was the fact that I couldn't figure out where anything was, ever. Thats what I always had Graham do for me. He was a part of the group of people that were my so called friends.
He always knew where everything was, and because I never had to do any work, I would just let him take over.

The most I did was type some directions into my phone but most of the time, I was with Graham.
This was why it would suck to be alone. Because here I was, standing in the middle of the campus, looking like an idiot spinning around in circles because I have no clue where to go.

"Are you lost?"

I look up to see a girl, a few inches shorter than me, in sweatpants with our university logo along the side, a sweatshirt with another school logo printed on it, boots and her hair in a bun.

And she was beautiful.

"I uh..yeah." she snorts before taking my map from me and looking at where I marked it.

She begins walking and I suppose I should start following her, so I do.

Taking about five steps forward in the opposite direction I was originally going, she points at the building standing directly in front of us.

"Right behind ya." She raises an eyebrow and I bite my lip.

"I'm shit at directions." I turn around to pick up my bags, grabbing all of them at once, hoping to impress her with some of my so called strength.

Except when I turn around she isn't there. And she stole my map.

"Shit." I roll my eyes and begin walking towards the building. And (because of the uneven weigh I am carrying) I am actually wobbling.

Groups of boys walk through the hallways, some coming out of their rooms to greet their friends.

Being a Freshman was going to suck.

I continue to walk and look for my room, glancing down at my directions every five seconds, trying to figure out where I was going without any map and using my imagination instead.

Finally after about twenty minutes I make it to the second floor and see my room ahead of me. I pick up my speed, smiling like an idiot now that I knew where I was going. I had done it.

I reach the door and knock, setting down one of my bags in the process.

No one answers the door and I try to find the key I had placed in my backpack. They had given us two at the orientation but I knew I was giong to end up losing both of mine throughout the year.

After about five minutes of digging around in my backpack and ten guys walking by, not even bothering to help a freshman, I find them.

I shove the key into the door and the first thing I see is a boy dancing with headphones and I can almost hear the music clearly myself.

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