After the Concert

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After the Concert

Zayn's POV

*During the concert*

I can't believe that the girls did all of this. I can't help but tear up because this is one of the most beautiful things that anyone as ever done for me. I wish Perrie could be here to witness this, because she would really appreciate this like I do.

Harry's POV

The girl's surprise tonight was probably one of the best that has happened to us since being in One Direction. I actually started to cry when they started singing 'You & I'. You should have seen me when the fans started to sing along to 'Night Changes'. I was basically crying like a baby. Even though the boys and I tried to surprise the girls for once, this was the best surprise any father could have.

Liam's POV

Okay, this was probably one of the best nights I have had in a while. One of the most touching moments of the night was when the fans in the audience started singing 'Moments' to prove that they were actually One Direction fans. And the other part of our surprise was awesome too. I couldn't have asked for a better night.

Niall's POV

This surprise probably tops all of the surprises that have happened since our daughters tour. My wish of singing in front of One Direction fans again finally came true and I didn't even know it at first. And now that I think about it, I did notice that the crowd was a bit older than Second Direction's normal audience, but whatever. I was absolutely touched when the girls started singing 'You & I' and 'Night Changes' because of the little movie thing that they had put together. I literally started bawling when our fans started singing along to 'Night Changes' because it brought me back to the time when One Direction would be performing a song at a concert and the auidence would be singing along wih us. Man, those were the days.

Louis' POV

I think this has been the best surprise the girls have given us. I was not expecting that when we first went out on stage. Definitely not. And the best part of it was probably singing in front of the fans again.  Of course that surprise was next to the two songs and the video the girls did for us.

Elena's POV

*After the concert*

*In the dressing room*

"Do you think Paul noticed us?" Samantha asked us, once us girls got back into the dressing room.

"Of course he noticed. He was standing right there when we got off stage." Ella said, starting to raise her voice in panic.

"Okay, let's not freak out. Maybe they didn't even notice that we changed it up a little bit." Amanda said with hope in her voice.

"Amanda, they so noticed. Simon, Mr. Johnson, and Paul were giving Principal White, the death glare for part of it." I told her.

The girls and I just sat in the dressing room in silence for a few moments, just thinking about how much we were going to yelled at when Principal White came bursting into the dressing room.

"They are right behind me and they are NOT happy." She said in a panic as she walked quickly into the room.

The girls and I didn't even have time to react to Principal White because Paul, Simon, and Mr. Johnson walked angrily into the dressing room.

"What was that?" Paul asked in annoyance.

"Okay, you need to cool it because you have been cranky all day and it's really annoying." Ella dared to say to Paul.

Paul was just about to respond when Simon stopped him.

"I cannot believe you girls did that behind my back." He said in a calm tone, but we could here the anger in his voice.

"Okay, it as all Principal White. We just found out about this last night." Ariana confessed.

The three men scowled at Principal White as she gave them an innocent smile in return.

"You organized this whole thing, all by yourself?" Simon asked, trying to keep his voice from raising.

"Um, yes?" She said unsurely.

"Getting all of the old fans here and everything?" Simon asked.

"Yes?" Principal White said, but it came out more as a question.

"Well, I just have one thing to say about this." Simon started and the paused.

"And that would be?" Ella asked after a few seconds of silence.

"You did a fantastic job. You are now on Second Direction management team. You will be in charge of organizing all of the events, such as concerts and interviews." Simon explained leaving the eight of us in a very confused state.

"What?" All of us asked in confusion.

"Why do you all look so lost?" Simon asked in confusion.

"Because you were ready to fire anyone in your path and now your giving Jane over here a job." Mr. Johnson explained.

"I think you can see our confusion." Paul added.

"Well, I was mad at you guys at first. But then I saw your fathers faces when the fans sang 'Moments' and started to sing along to 'Night Changes'.  I was quickly impressed by Principal White's work." Simon explained before walking out of the dressing room, leaving every last one of us in a state of confusion.

"Anyone else confused?" Samantha asked as we all raised our hands in agreement.

That definitely went better than I thought it would. To be honest, I thought we were getting fired for a second there.

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