Chapter Two

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"IT'S, REMEDY." I respond, waiting for him to say something. "See the necklace." I continue taping the R.

"Quite a peculiar name." He mumbles, making me a little upset, which he seems to notice, " But it's peculiar in a good way." It's not sincere, "It's a - um - really pretty name. "

"Thanks for trying to save your ass." I laugh as I begin to water the plants again, looking at him out of the corner of my eye. "It's okay if I you don't like my name, I truly don't give a fuck."

"Woah wait a minute...I do." He mumbles, "I've just never heard a name like that... 'saving my ass' is a talent of mines but that- that was sincere."

"It's whatever." I chuckle.

He reaches for the water tin in my hand and I reluctantly give it to him afterwords watching him subtly sprinkle water over them.

He looks up while still watering the healthy plants, " So are you doing something later today?"

"I mean... not necessarily."

"Remedy just answer the question." He laughs growing slightly annoyed.

"I forgot what the question was Parker?" I ask putting extra emphasis on his name, for no exact reason.

I don't know why but he's making me nervous.

"Are you doing something later?" He asks again. " Because, I'm hosting this party tonight." He announces as his eyes scan my face up and down slowly, probably trying to examine my reaction.

"Just my luck, the day I move here you're having a party." I finally respond grabbing the water tin out of his hands.

"It's a complete coincidence.
I swear." He laughs, "Anyway, if you want, you could come over at about 8:00." He points towards his house which is right across the street, "I tend to have the best parties."

"I mean after I'm done watering these plants, setting up my room, and pretty much getting adjusted to my whole situation, I'm sure I can make it to your party tonight."

Going to his party tonight is the least of my worries.

"So that's a yes?" I nod hesitantly as a response, causing him to grin, for about the hundredth time in this whole conversation, whilst showing off his white teeth. "I'll see you later."

I don't know if I'm going for sure but a untruthful 'yes', might not hurt anyone in this case.

"Bye." I say waving my hand stiffly glad that he finally walked away.

I sprinkle a bit more water on the plants and finish not to shortly after. I actually feel tired causing me not to explore the neighborhood anymore than the acres I'm standing on.

I walk back inside and neither my father or mother are in sight. Most likely still catching up in another room.

I grab my bags from the front and throw them upstairs leaving them on my room floor. I plop on top of my bed and pull out my phone. Letting it consume me, as I answer missed messages.

* * *

I walk downstairs after smelling the all-so familiar scent of hamburgers and fries. One of my favorite meals, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was cooked just to woo me.

"Oh, you're just in time. I was going to call your name." My father announces, "I made dinner."

"It looks delicious." I say sitting down at the table across from my father, and diagonally across from my mother. "It's my favorite meal."

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