Chapter 1

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(Loud music)

Becky: Jazz! Turn that down! Or get a better taste of music!

Beep: Jazz! Can you turn that off please?!

Jazzer: What's going on out here you guys?

Beep: Jazzer, you have to do something with your sister. She's playing really loud music and it's hurting my ears. My daughters can't sleep.

Becky: Yeah. Ted can't sleep either and when he's tired he's grumpy all day.

Jazzer: How can you tell. His smile is sewn on.

Becky: Ugh! I'm going back to bed.

Jazzer: Sissy! Open up! Jazz?! JAZZ!

Jazz: Keep it down you guys! I can't hear the music.

Jen: Everyone can hear your music.

Beep: Yeah. Thanks to you my daughters can't sleep. And they have school tomorrow.

Jess: Jazz! This is insane!

Jazzer: You see? Everyone can hear you.

Bang: What's going on here, Dudes?

Bing: We're trying to sleep.

Ash: Yeah. We can hear music from our rooms.

Allie: Beside, if we can't sleep we won't have any energy.

Jazz: Forget it, you guys! I'm not turning it off!

(Door slams)

Beep: Maybe we should just go back to bed and try not think about it.

Everyone left except Jazzer.

Jazzer: Sis. You better turn that off or we'll have to deal with a really cranky stuffed bear!

Bling: PLEASE BE QUIET!!! I'm try to sleep!

(Music turns off)

Jazzer: I warned ya.

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