Chapter 8

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A few days later

Allie: I give up. We're never gonna get Jazz to cheer up.

Ash: Yes we will. As soon as she calms down first.

Beep: Easy for you to say. You guys aren't the one who got slapped in the face.

Jazz: Hey, guys? I just wanted to apologize for how I've been treating you the past few days. And Beep, I'm really sorry that I slapped you in the face.

Bling: We forgive you, Jazz. But why were you so upset?

Jazz: Well, once in a while I get Jazzdowns witch mean that I usually get angry, sad, or upset.

Jess: Well, you probably should've told us about it before then we could've helped you. But at least it's over.

Allie: Um, does this mean you wanna hug now?

Jazz: Yeah. And once again I'm really sorry. Friends?

Everyone: Friends.

The End

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