Chapter 5

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A few hours later

Jazzer: Well, that didn't go well.

Beep: I can see that. You don't look so good. We could hear you guys from down here.

Jazzer: Where's Becky?

Beep: In her room. She and Berttly got scared because they thought someone else was in here so they ran to her room.

Jazzer: Oh. Well, I didn't mean to scare her.

Beep: It's ok. But did you figure what's wrong with Jazz?

Jazzer: Yep. She's having a Jazzdown. She goes through them a lot and when she does we just stay by her side until she feels better.

Beep: What's a Jazzdown?

Jazzer: It's kinda a breakdown but in her own way.

Beep: Oh. Maybe we should leave her alone her the night and try to help her in the morning.

Jazzer: Good idea.

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