Chapter 1: Hearing of the Fellowship

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"I've chosen you, along with Gimli, to go to Rivendell. The Elven Lord of Rivendell has called an important meeting and requested our best. You're our best; however I doubt anyone will believe that so I'm also sending Gimli, son of Gloin." The King Under the Mountain told his niece, "Before you protest, I'm sending you because one day you'll be queen and the lords need to know and realize that you're fit to rule. They won't want to follow a woman, especially one who's only half Dwarf. They argue against me even now, that I've kept you in the line of succession." His niece was quiet, she knew he was right, the fact that he believed in her made all the difference.

   "I'll go Uncle. You know I've always wanted to go farther than Dale and the Woodland Realm where mother is from." She could tell everyone else in the room was surprised. She had a history of only doing things commanded by her uncle as king, not an elder. She had her mother's rebellious streak. Because of this streak, her parents made sure she was able to take care of herself when need be.

  "Very well, that was easier than I anticipated. Thank you Ithtir, I will alert Gimli. You'll be leaving the morn after next. Expect a long, perilous journey so take all your weapons." Ithtir bows herself out of her uncle's planning chamber. As a royal herself, she didn't have to bow or listen to her uncle besides following commands he gives as king, but she still tended to bow to him. She then went to go pack for the journey, rather, she intended to. By the time she had all of her clothes pulled out, it was dinner time.

  Ithtir made her way to the mess hall and sat in her official place, at the right hand of her father, who was at the right hand of his brother. The line of succession must always be visible, and always in order. Tauriel, her mother sat on her other side, her mother tended to dislike the seating arrangement, she believed since she would be queen consort when Kili becomes king, and thus before Ithtir, she should be between Kili and Ithtir. However, no matter the Elf's feelings or views, the lords would put up a fight if Fili attempted to change it, as is they don't like Tauriel, or Ithtir for that matter. The lords never approved of the marriage between Ithtir's parents, mainly because of her mother being an Elf, and the lords disliked Elves in general. They stopped their grumblings when Tauriel fell pregnant, they prayed for a male heir, the only type of heir in their old eyes, however, the babe was a girl- Ithtir. The lords began grumbling at Kili, her father, in addition to her mother for not producing an heir. When Ithtir was older, the grumblings of the court turned to her, her mother wanted to defend her husband and daughter, however, since she knew her place at court was strenuous at best, she couldn't outwardly defend her daughter. So, instead, she trained her as an elf would, Ithtir quickly became the best swordfighter in Erebor, beating even her great uncle, Thorin Oakenshield. Ithtir beating the great Thorin Oakenshield helped to silence the grumblings of the court. She can shoot her bow and arrows on par with her mother.


"Kili, I know you didn't want me to send Ithtir. But this is important to ensuring her a smooth reign. If she succeeds she gains the entire trust of the kingdom, and it will ensure that every Dwarf, Man, Elf, Hobbit, and Orc knows she can and will fight. Her rein will be as successful as our Uncle's." Fili was trying to convince himself just as much as his brother. His niece was the only direct heir once they both die. Having Ithtir almost killed Tauriel, so there was no way the pair would even attempt for another child, even if Tauriel wanted to. Kili would never risk the life of his beloved, especially with the scare from the Battle of the Five Armies. It would've destroyed Kili if Tauriel had died, especially for what he viewed as an unnecessary reason. And if his daughter died on this journey, he would never forgive his brother, and Fili wouldn't blame him, Fili wouldn't forgive himself either. If Ithtir died, Tauriel would be shunned from court for "bewitching" a son of Durin into marrying her. They would both leave court for the Elves, Fili couldn't handle loosing his niece or brother, or even sister in law, especially so close to when he lost his Uncle. Thorin had only died the year before at the old age of 265.

      Fili prayed hard that Ithtir survived, for the sake of Erebor and his brother.

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