Chapter 4: In Rivendell

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A/N: Get some snacks this is a long one. It's over 3,000 words.

Ithtir and Gimli finally arrived in Rivendell at midday, they were met by the Lord Elrond, and his staff of course. The servants took their bags and promised to wash their clothes and to draw a warm bath for each of them, after all, the pair were quite covered in dirt and dust from the long journey. So Ithtir and Gimli followed the Elves and their belongings to what seemed to be their respective quarters, they each found a simple outfit of a tunic and pants, 'Nowhere to hide any knives,' Ithtir found herself thinking. All but one of the Elves left and Ithtir gathered her dirty clothes from her bags, handed them to the waiting Elf and then stepped into the bath chamber with the new clothes, took off her grimy clothes and handed those to the still waiting Elf, thanked him and he left Ithtir to her bath.

Ithtir selfishly took a long time with her bath, she soaked for a long while, this helped to soothe her various aches and pains caused from spending a month sleeping on the ground. Once the water finally began to cool Ithtir scrubbed herself clean and got dressed. Though she doubted she would use it she tied Orcist to her hip once more and went to go find Gimli. While wandering the halls Ithtir comes across shards of a broken sword, she searches for a name or a history on the statue holding it, but finds nothing.

Then she hears a voice, "It was the blade of Isildur, the King of Gondor, who sliced off Sauron's wretched finger and took the ring of power." She turned to a man with long dark hair, not an Elf but had the bearing of one. "I am Strider, a ranger from the North." He offered her his hand to shake.

She took it, "I am Gailil, daughter of Tauriel." She didn't know him and was in an Elven kingdom after all.

He gave a smile, "A Dwarf with an Elven name, a pleasure, Bright Star." He easily translated her name, but his comment about a Dwarf with an Elven name implied he knew she had another.

She wouldn't give hers without him telling his, "If you wish to hear the Dwarven name you'll give yours. I won't simply share my name, particularly when the one who wants to know didn't give his."

His response was quicker than she had expected, "I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn." Ah. He was in line for the throne of Gondor, if the stewards gave up the position, however he had given her more than she asked.

"I am Ithtir, daughter of Kili, son of Dis." She almost said she was half Elf, however, she deemed it unnecessary. "You're the heir to the kingdom of Gondor, are you not?"

He seemed surprised she knew who he was but nodded, "And you, the heir of the kingdom of Erebor?" She nodded and Gimli burst in.

She knew by his look he had been searching for her, "There ye are lass! I was searchin' high and low for ye!" He noticed Aragorn and let out a growl of disapproval, "And who are ye?"

Ithtir took over, "Gimli, son of Gloin, meet Aragorn, son of Arathorn. He is a ranger from the north." Aragorn offered a small bow to show he meant no harm. Gimli only huffed in response. Aragorn muttered something about Hobbits, Ithtir grew more excited than she should have, but she had always wanted to meet some hobbits, especially growing up hearing about the great Bilbo Baggins.

An Elf walks in, unsure how to feel in the presence of the two warriors, Gimli glared at him to get him to speak, 'Sir Gimli, son of Gloin and Princess Ithtir, daughter of Durin, the council meeting is beginning. I've been sent to escort you." He turns and the pair follow him to a courtyard, and they sit.

"Firstly, thank you to all who have come and especially to Strider for bringing and protecting the hobbits." Lord Elrond uses Aragorn's ranger name and confirms the presence of hobbits in Rivendell. "One of these hobbits has brought something of special concern to all the races of Middle Earth. Frodo, if you will, bring it to us." A hobbit with curly black hair and bright blue eyes stands and walks to the center of the room and sets down a small, simple, golden ring on a pedestal in the center of the courtyard.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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