Chapter 3: Journey To Rivendell

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"Gimli, we are cousins! There's no reason for formalities! Just Ithtir will do, we are quite past ranks and formalities, in fact, we have been since we lift the gates of Erebor." Ithtir was tired of being called Princess Ithtir, especially by her own cousin. As is, she'd much rather have someone raised in Erebor inherit the throne, not that other irrational cousin- Dain. Although, by now he ought to be nearing his death, for during the Battle of the Five Armies, he was only 21 years younger than Thorin Oakenshield. In Ithtir's mind, any offspring from the company would be better suited to the throne than Dain's. The company are the ones who came together as a small group to take back Erebor, Dain didn't join until after they had taken the mountain back. She was beginning to sound just like her famed Great Uncle Thorin, the thought made her smile.

  "Begging your pardon Prin-" Gimli caught himself when Ithtir shot him a glare. "Ithtir, it was hammered into me to call all royals by there titles. But I do suppose you're right, by the end of this journey we'll become like the Company! My father didn't call King Thorin by his title during the adventures of the Company."

  "It's quite alright my friend, should I ever believe you mean disrespect you'll meet the end of my sword." Ithtir joked with her cousin, though he didn't find it quite as funny, she was well known under the mountain as quick and unforgiving with her blade. And fast to use it. "All I mean by that cousin, is that I can defend my own honor if anyone means disrespect, I doubt you'll ever even consider doing that." Ithtir did her best to quickly explain herself to her stone faced cousin.

Gimili nodded thankfully, "Aye lass, most likely better than I!" Gimli chuckled at his ownn comment, and earned a warm smile from Ithtir, which served its purpose of settling his nerves. Gimli knew how handy with weapons Ithtir was, after all, he saw her win against Thorin, it was a hard win for her and a hard loss for him. Not to mention her being half Elf, and of course related to the great Line of Durin. For all he knew she could read his thoughts, none knew the true power of Elvish magic.

Through the rest of the journey they learned about each other, Gimli learned much of Ithtir's personal life, like just how much the Dwarf lords hated Elves, how Tauriel saved Prince Kili's life on the journey to reclaim Erebor all those years ago. He learned that besides the swords, bows, and knives of the Elves, Ithtir was an even foe with a Dwarven axe, or even a Dwarven hammer! If she got angry she tended to swear under her breath is Khuzdul, if she was in awe she tended to speak in soft Elvish. He learned that she was fluent in many more languages than Gimli thought possible, she could speak Westron, the public language of the Dwarves in addition to Khuzdul, she could speak Rohirric, Entish (people could speak Ent???), the common tongue, Taliska, she could read and understand the other languages of the Elves, however, Sindarin was the only one she was fluent in that she can speak confidently of the Elven languages, she could also read Black Speech. He learned that she enjoyed the typically Elvish activity of cultivating a garden of herbs and flowers, and she always grew and carried king's foil with her. He learned why Tauriel felt the need to train Ithtir so young, why there was not another heir. He learned that she preferred Dwarvish cooking, her father made an excellent warrior stew (it was one of her favorite meals).

Just as Gimli learned much about Ithtir, she learned jut as much from him, including some simple, common Dwarf stories, but stories that royals would hear from their mother, which for Ithtir was an Elf, who did not know the stories herself. She learned that there was a chance that Gimli could have gone on the adventure with the Company, however despite only being 15 years younger than her own father, he was denied for being too young. She found that Gimli enjoyed keeping up his strength as a past time, but occasionally would read some books. She learned that while he could afford to buy his armor, he quite enjoys the process of forging his own armor, including the chainmail. He has also forged his axes, he is a dwarf's dwarf, spending his days in the forges or training to use his axe. But she also found out about his soft side, that he enjoys making gifts, he enjoys walking through the halls filled with tapestries that detail the entire history of Erebor since Thráin I. He enjoyed going into the kitchens and figuring out what he can make. He could speak both Dwarvish languages and the common tongue, Ithtir found that the pair of them had similar interests, besides her love of gardening.

While they were on the journey they would talk through the day, they had to get to know each other, they trust each other because of being family and how close their families were, but they didn't truly know one another. Though they both grew up together under the mountain, they didn't ever truly get to know each other since they had such an age difference and difference in rank. Ithtir was learning Dwarvish politics and shadowing King Fili, training with her mother, or tending to her herbs; she never did get to learn how to cook Dwarvish foods, even a Princess wouldn't need to know how to cook. She wished her father had taken the time to teach her. When they stopped to make camp, Ithtir would start the fire, Gimli would cook, after they ate they might dual or they'd go right to sleep. Though Ithtir could definitely hold her own against Gimli, he did win half the time, so he would show her techniques to improve.

By the time the pair arrived at Rivendell Gimli was like an older brother to Ithtir, and he thought of her as a little sister; albeit one more dangerous than he, but a little sister nonetheless.

They never could've prepared for what was already in Rivendell

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