The Gym 🍋

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Written By Raven
(Ethan's Pov)
         It was a very slow day, editing made up the extent of my schedule and I had an hour of nothing. I was staying at Mark's for the week as we were filming some long videos that required attention and time. It made my commute easier, as I just had to walk upstairs.
         I was still getting used to staying at Mark's, some rooms I haven't even gone in yet. After I finished replying to some sponsor emails for my own channel, I couldn't help but hear grunting from the room next to me. Spinning my chair around, I hopped up and exited the room into the hall, then pressed my ear against the door of where the noise was coming from.
          I heard the deep vocals in that voice and realized it was Mark. The fuck he doin' in there? I raised my fist to knock, but shrugged. Time to use the element of surprise. So, I wheeled back then threw the door open and- holy shit-
         I looked in the room and saw Mark staring at me with a surprised expression. My eyes trailed down and I noticed he only had on a pair of shorts...and he was holding a large weight in his right hand as he leaned himself against some gym equipment and machines.
"I-oh-uhm...sorr-sorry" I blushed, but Mark just chuckled and continued his routine, his large muscles rippling against the weight.
"Hey, Ethan. You finished editing quick."
"Uh-heheh...uhm-I didn't know you had a gym in here." I replied, closing the door behind me.
"Yep. You're welcome to help yourself to help yourself to the equipment. I'm just finishing up my daily routine."
"Oh-oh-okay" I said, my stuttering becoming recognizable to Mark. Upon seeing that, he stood up and approached me. I backed up, but he kept walking...closer.
"Do you need some help learning? I'm happy to help." Mark said, tilting his head. To be perfectly honest, I found him to be cute. Just being so vulnerable and kind...and shirtless.
"Uh-sure-" I said, biting my bottom lip.
"Okay, come over here." He said, approaching a TRX band. It was a long rubber strap attached to a metal pole, and he turned around and pulled it with his left hand, then switched to the right, then left...then I just drifted off, noticing the focus in his dark, brooding yet warm eyes, and the movement of his muscles contracting...I didn't here what he was saying until his voice snapped me back.
"Ethan? Ethan? I asked what muscle you'd assume this exercise would work. I blinked and then met his eyes.
"Uhm-" I paused and then guessed "C-calves?" I spluttered. Mark chuckled.
"No, it's actually the pectorals and biceps." He answered, approaching me. He then gently placed his hand on my arm then dragged his large hand across my body to my chest.
"Biceps...pectorals..." he explained. I suppressed a gasp and merely nodded.
"Okay, now let's talk about weights. These are the most common items in a gym and they work your arm muscles, biceps and triceps. Clear?" He said while picking up a weight and lifting it.
"Uh, uh, yeah, clear" I said. Dammit, why couldn't I talk? Surely it had nothing to do with his six pack and calm, deep voice.
"Here, you try." He murmured, handing me a ten pound weight. I lifted it pretty easily and made reps. After about thirty or so, though, my arm got a bit tired. Mark noticed and reached his arm up to wrap his hand around mine, placed an arm around my waist and pushed his body against my back.
"Here, try holding it like this..." he muttered, interlocking his fingers with mine. I shivered as his other arm stretched around my waist. He guided my hand up and down until the fiftieth rep where we put the weight down together. I was out of breath, but not because of the weight. His body against mine...made me long for more. Collecting myself, I asked,
"Uhm, could you teach me more?"
"Of course, here's a simple one, the boxing bag. So, let's talk about the whole 'set up, punch' sequence." He led me to his boxing bag and demonstrated a few moves. I then followed in suit. Surprisingly, I wasn't doing to bad. Mark, impressed, said,
"Perhaps you can practice on a real target?" He gently grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to meet his eyes. I nodded.
"Alright. You punch, and don't worry, i'll block." He said, putting himself in an athletic stance.
" sure? I don't want to hurt you." I inquired, concernedly, to which Mark just nodded.
"I'll be fine, Eth'" He replied. To that I, as well, placed myself in an athletic stance and threw a punch. Mark easily blocked it. I punched again. Blocked. And again. And again.
"You're doing good, Ethan." Mark praised. "But can you block this?"
Upon saying that, Mark grabbed my fist and pulled my inward towards his large body and pressed his lips harshly against mine. The tense feeling in the room lifting, replacing itself with a lustful heat.
"Mmm, Mark-" I gasped as he let me out for air. "I-I didn't know you felt this way too..." I gasped heavily.
"Oh, sorry, I thought me interlocking my fingers with yours and having my back pressed against yours wasn't a dead giveaway." Mark joked as he pushed me against the wall and pressed his lips against mine once more. I yelped as he did so, excitedly. My eyes fluttered closed and only opened when he picked me up and turned me around, putting me on the bench press.
"M-mark?" I gasped, getting my bearings on the situation.
"Yeah, you want this?" He said, fingering the top of my pants as he waited for my consent. I merely moaned as his fingers circled my boxers, as he slowly pulled down my pants.
"I'm taking that as a 'yes'" He whispered huskily. His words against my ear made me shiver. "M-mark I-yes-get yourself-in-" I sighed breathily. At this point Mark had my pants of the floor and I had shimmied my shirt off. I could feel Mark's eyes along my back. I was kind of proud, really. I had been working out...a bit... and not just in this gym today.
"This should be a-" he said, then with vigor ripped off my boxers "daily thing...maybe a part of my new routine..." I moaned as he threw my boxers onto the ground. I fluttered my eyes closed, then was suspicious when I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes and saw Mark approaching with some weights.
"Mark, what are you planning?~" I teased. He didn't answer with words, he answered with placing the weights over my limbs, pinning me down. My back was exposed to him now...and my rear...
That's when it happened. It was quick, and came with a gasp from both of us. Mark spread me and shoved himself between my rear. My vision melted, and the original pain had melted into pleasure. At first his pumps were slow, and then they got rapid. Quick in succession.
"Mark! Tha-that's so f-fast! Oh!~" I moaned, a mess from his power. He suppressed his moans, but I could still hear his temptation to just scream in a mess of moans. I was about ready to cum for Mark.
"MAAARK!" I screeched "IM GONNA-"
"No! Wait for my countdown...!" Mark commanded, his voice echoing across his home gym.
I tried to flail in a fit of temptation, but the weights were to heavy.
I whimpered, with both pleasure and temptation.
I moaned, tensing my rear muscles in preparation, trying my best not to come.
I realized it had only been three seconds. It felt like three lifetimes.
I moaned loudly, "Just cum in me already!"
"Ugh! MARK!"
I squirmed to no avail.
My toes curled and my eyes clenched shut.
My eyes shot open only to roll back into my head when-
Mark filled me and I squealed as I, too, released. He pulled out quickly and took the weights off my limbs. We were both breathless as I turned to lay on my back on the bench press, Mark stark deeply into my eyes as he sat on my torso, holding my hands in his. We closed our eyes as we kissed, and as we released, my eyes were still closed. I wanted to stay in this moment forever.

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